Chapter Three

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[Valerie's P.O.V]

Before I can reach the door though, someone falls onto me, spilling their drink all over me.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I mentally groan.

"Stop being such a buzz kill Valerie!" I looked up to find the familiar head of curls and green eyes staring back down at me.

"Buzz kill?! I have work tomorrow and all I'm asking for is a little peace and quiet." I snap, slightly embarrassed.

"Jesus! Let lose a little!" Harry says, standing up.

I stand up after him.

"I'm going." 

"No. Stay. I mean it's not even late!" 

"It's 11:15" I fire.

"My point exactly!"

"Harrrryyyyy!" The blonde girl walks over,leaning on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm going. Night." I say, before slamming the door behind me. I bet he didn't even notice, with the music being so loud, and him being half drunk

I walk over to my apartment, gently turning the knob.

I sigh, pacing towards  my bedroom, changing into my pajamas again, and crawling into to my bed.

The music is blaring still, but thankfully, my eyelids get heavier by the minute, and I'm soon asleep.


I wake up to my annoying alarm, beeping excessively.

I hop out of bed and into the shower.

I step in, trying to adjust the water to the right temperature.

I fail, giving up in frustration.

I decide on wearing something formal, but still individualistic and a little colorful.

A black pencil-skirt, with a teal satin blouse with my black heels.

Once I'm happy with my appearance, I decide that I'd go down to the coffee shop outside NYFA , since I'm already thirty minutes early.

I close and lock the door to my apartment, only to meet Harry in the hallway.

"Sorry about last night" We both say at the exact same time.

I laugh.

"I overreacted. I was being selfish, I mean, I live in a complex building... things like this are bound to happen" I explain.

"You really should have stayed though" He said, running his fingers through his hair.

I smile, unsure of what to reply.

"Well..I'm gonna go. See you around." 


I walk into the bland building, groaning at just it's appearance.

"Morning Ms.Stewart! " Cassandra beams.

"Hi" I warmly smile.

"Hey..we didn't see you yesterday at lunch hour.." 

"Oh yeah..I was busy . I skipped." I explain.

"Oh . Well don't work so hard! I wanted to introduce you to everyone. See you today?"

"Of course."

I head to my office, turning the key through the door.

I throw may bag to the floor and instantly start with the paperwork and boring documents.

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