Merry Demigod Christmas! (Christmas One-Shot)

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It was here. It was finally here. Piper, Jason, Percy, Frank, Annabeth, Leo and Hazel couldn't have been more excited. It was finally Christmas Day. What made them excited though, was this fact: they had made it. They had survived the war for Christmas, and their first ever Christmas as a family, too. The first where they probably wouldn't have to worry about a thing, each of them.

Frank and Hazel had come over to stay at Camp Half-Blood for the holidays, and it was clear that a new environment besides Camp Jupiter had lifted their spirits up. Not to forget Leo, Jason and Piper, who would be spending their second Christmas together at Camp Half-Blood without having some dumb Great Prophecy to worry about. Some Romans who were willing enough came over from Camp Jupiter to spend Christmas at Camp Half-Blood, and vice versa.

The air outside was amazing that day. It was frosty, yet brought a certain warmth in them. Children were playing in the snowdrifts on Half-Blood Hill and the teens were having conmpetitions that involved sniw, like snowball fights and skiing and all that, some with advanced technology. It was an incredible sight. Camp Half-Blood actually seemed like a ski resort or something, and looked so normal that none of the Seven could actually believe it. It was like none of them could give a care in the world.

Very early that day, at midnight actually, everyone had wished each other Merry Christmas and opened some of their presents. Only some though, and left the rest for later that day and went back to sleep.

Near the dining pavilion, a giant Santa Clause ice statue sculpted by Percy (but nobody knew it was him) stood after a snow blizzard from a few days ago. Complete with presents and a sleigh with all 12 reindeer, it was a beautiful sculpture. Percy couldn't resist feeling proud of himself. Because of the statue, so many kids were happy, and he liked making people happy.

To start the day, the Seven set up the sleigh again for the children. It was just like it was when it was first revealed. Along with it's mechanical reindeer, Santa Frank, 'elves' and heater, the sleigh was welcoming. Now, blankets, pillows and plush seats were added for what Leo called 'the sleeplike zone effect', which basically meant that it could be so comfortable that you could fall asleep. Gifts were handed out yet again, and they held the most marvelous things. Thanks to some crafty guys from Hermes (and they did not steal anything, mind you, because Annabeth and Malcom went to supervise them), the gifts were amazing in the eye of the children. After about two hours, at around 10am, they stopped giving rides in the air but left the sleigh on display and let the children play with it. It also dispensed lots more candy, to keep them occupied.

After closing down the rides, they decided to have some fun themselves. It was back to the snow angels. Leo wanted to do his style of doing it once again, but each time he did, kids would come and cover his imprints with snow and run away laughing. "Hey! That took so long and so hard to do!" Leo complained. "It's not easy being hot!" Frank rolled his eyes. In the end, Leo brought wooden fences out. "There." he beamed. "Now my works of art can be left in peace." Frank rolled his eyes some more. Leo did a 'Leo angel' and fenced it, until the kids came back and dumped a bucket of snow over it. It was then that Leo gave up.

After that, to reclaim his glory, Leo tried ice skating. Making sure not to let the previous events happen again, this time he iced his skates. Yes, iced. As in, covered them with a thick layer of ice. Just to be sure though, he skated extra fast, so that the risk of breaking it decreased. Unfortunately, he wasn't really sure what would happen if he skated with ice. It was more slippery, and he almost fell planty of times. Percy on the other hand, was like a pro and was guiding Annabeth, though she had gotten much better at it. A ray of hope shone down upon him, and he thought if Percy could do it, surely he could too. He tried harder. But a little too hard. He couldn't control himself and slammed into... a tree. He fell back on the ice, it gave way, and soon Leo was in the icy cold water. Again. Jason skated to him when he saw him from afar and shook his head. He helped the shivering Leo out. "No more skating for you, Leo. You'll get sick. And you do not want to be sick. Especially on Christmas." Leo sneezed in response. He went back to his cabin grumpily after that and stayed there until his friends finished ice skating.

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