Coach Hedge's Christmas Present (Christmas Headcanon)

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For Christmas, Clarisse wanted to give Coach Hedge an amazing present. She arranged it and had a talk with Travis and Connor. She specified what she wanted to give him and they both nodded in agreement. "I don't care how you do it, I just want it by Christmas Day." she clearly stated.

The Stolls looked each other in the eye and smirked mischievously. After that, she met with some Hephaestus kids and asked them, or threatened, whichever you prefer, to make certain changes in the special gift. She made sure they all understood 210%, and left.

On Christmas Day, Coach Hedge walked outside and had the surprise of his life.

There in front of him, was the most hardcore, most awesome looking monster truck he had ever seen. It had red and blue flames across it, and the initials G.H were in them. It was massive, and took up a lot of space. A note was attached to the handle.

Coach Hedge,

Merry Christmas. Sorry I couldn't give it to you in person, I'm off on a quest. I decided that I'm going to give you something else to do besides bothering campers. Just be careful with it. And I haven't forgotten about Chuck and Mellie. I gave Melli hers already before I left but I had some trouble getting this here earlier. As for Chuck's... well, just press the red button on the upper left wheel. Something should happen. If not, I will pulverize those Hephaestus kids. Before that, though, you should know that the blue button on the upper right wheel makes the vehicle compact and easier to transport.


Coach Hedge was excited. He examined the truck and saw both buttons. He pressed the blue button and immediately, it folded itself. Bits and pieces went here and there until finally, it was packed like a cube parcel. On top was a blue button.

He brought it to a clearing in the woods. Excitement intensifying and pulsing in his veins, he pressed the blue button and the monster truck gained it's original shape. He then pressed the red one and waited.

Nothing happened.

Coach Hedge frowned. Nothing was happening. Until a few moments later. Where the red button previously was, now formed out a tinier "monster" truck, fit for a baby, obviously for Chuck. It was just like the bigger size, except with red and green flames and the initials C.H. It was detachable.

Coach Hedge couldn't have felt happier. He could already see himself and Chuck riding it next summer, him yelling "Kill!" while Chuck yelled "Destroy!" and Mellie watching from above as she is, a cloud nymph. She would sigh, and shake her head.

He rubbed his hands together and grinned. He would thank Clarisse later when she came back. And with that, he ran off to find Chuck and Mellie to show them the gift. He had a feeling his son would love it, and Mellie would be skeptical of it. He smiled. This was a definitely awesome and hardcore Christmas present, probably the most awesome and hardcore present ever.


What do you think the Stolls did to get the truck? ^_^

Can you picture Mellie's reaction?

Is 'destroy' or 'kill' going to be Chuck's first word? Or will it be something else?

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