Haven't You Done Enough

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Picture of August In Media
Location- Mall ( Rue21 )
Date- August 29, 2014 Friday
Time- 4:15pm

I bet yall like " Why you skip a whole week in a half ?" All I got to say is suck my ass. Ain't shit happen. I just been working on my shit.

Okay, the night we went out to eat and I fell asleep on the couch with August..... yea, I got my ass up and left at like three in morning. Of course, August called me asking where I was. I told him I went home.

"These are everything, Maria." Lauren said, shoving some black and white joggers in my face. We were in Rue 21, trying to find some new clothes cause I got tired of wearing the same shit.

"Yeah. They alright." I said, brushing passed her to look at the plaid shirts.

"What's wrong with you ? It's that time of month ?"

"What ? No ! I'm just tired."

"Then go to sleep." We all have that one friend that would say that.

"I can't. That's the problem."

"And, why is that ?"

"Because, online schooling. Then, I have to watch Anthony, and if I'm not watching Anthony I'm watching Brandon."

"But, your not watching Ant or Brandon right now. Your at the mall."

"Shut. Up ! You always got to say something smart."

"I'm tryna help you."

"Well, your not he-," just then I was cut off by my phone going off. It was a text message.

"Let me guess....August." I annoyingly shock my head yes. "What he want ?"

"Him and Melanie are going out to eat tonight at 8:00, and want me to watch Ant."

"Just say no."

"You stupid."

"No I'm not."

"Obviously, you are. I might be tired, but August pay a good amount of money. Plus, Ant is my little baby. I love that little boy."

"Don't let Melanie hear you say that."

"Tuh ! What she gone do. If she mad... She can stay mad, cause Her child still gone be asking for me at the end of the day."

"Thats....very....um...harsh. Don't you think ? You sound like them side hoes. they be like 'He go with her, but he still be at my house, and calling my phone and shit.' "

"Nope, cause she stay mean mugging me thinking I want her man."

"But, you do. We both do."

Lauren is just dumb as fuck. I gave her that 'Bitch really' face. You know the picture when that girl had her hand out like 'tf'.

"Shut the fuck up Lauren. You just made me mad."

"What I do ?"

"Just be quiet." I grabbed everything and went up to the cashier, so she could ring our stuff up.

"Your total is $78.25." I gave the lady 80 and told her keep the change. We walked out Rue21 and headed to my car.

"Leaving already ?" Lauren asked speeding walking trying to catch up to me.

"Yes, I have to take you home right ?"

"But, that's only a 15 minute drive, and you don't have to be at august house until 8."

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