Ban From August

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Maria & Brandon in media

Location- Maria House
Date- January 15, 2015 Saturday
Time- 10:00am

"Yes, I would like to report a rape charge." My dad said, into the phone receiver.

Oh Shit ! I quickly reached for the phone, but he moved away to fast. By my surprise Brandon kicked my dad in his leg, and snatched the phone out of his hand and handed it to me.

"False alarm officer. My brother was playing truth or dare with his friends and this was one of the dares. I'll make sure it won't happen again." I hung up and all my attention went back to my dad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" I snapped.

"He is a GROWN ass man. He took advantage of you. Your only 17."

"Yeah, but I'll be 18 in two months. I'm practically grown too, dad."

"Grown my ass. He took advantage of you and in my eyes I count that as rape..." He said, reaching for the phone again.

"I swear to you if you call the cops on August I will no longer talk to you. You can no longer label me as your daughter. These grandchild of yours.... You will never see. I swear I wi-"

"You can no longer label me as your son either. I won't talk to you no more, and I'm leaving with Maria." Brandon said, walking behind me.

"I'm just trying to do what's right. What if someone does your soon to be born daughter like that ? What if she gets pregnant at 17 by a grown ass man ?"

"I wouldn't try to send the baby's father off to jail. How the hell he gone be able to help from jail ? Yea, he made a mistake. Now, he about to help out with the mistake. I wouldn't turn my back on my daughter and her child, nor would I kick her out the house. I will be right there with my child like a mother is suppose to do, no matter how big the mistake is."

"Give me the phone." He said, reaching for it but I yanked it back, causing him to tumble some. "Give me the phone Maria, and I don't want you going no where near August ever again ! I want all your shit back in this house. Today !"

"NO !"

"What did I just say ? I'm your father, you do what I say."

"Not today I'm not." I whispered in Brandon ear to go pack some clothes, so I could take him to my house. I didn't want him in the house with this ungrateful son of a bitch. He did as told as

"Oh, and dad it's not rape if I enjoyed it." I smirked, stepping outside to call August.

"Hello ! Hello ! August, like this is an emergency !!" I said into the phone receive scared for August's life.

"W-what is it ma ?"

"My dad knows. He knows everything. He knows your the father, and he almost called the cops on you. But, me and Brandon managed to get his phone away from him. August.... I'm scared. What if you have to go to j-"

"Please, don't say it. Um, like what are you doing at the moment? Like, what's going on ? What happened?"

"I'm taking Brandon with me, to my house. I can't sit in this house and guard the phone from my dad all day. He hit me once, I'm pretty sure he will do it again."

"Uh, just.....shit ! Meet me at Shells, right there before you get on the interstate. I'll take Brandon to your house. I need you to go pick up Ant from my mom's."

"Okay, head there now !"

"Okay, and M ?"

"Yes ?"

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