I'm not ready

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Thank you @PinkChampagne- for co-writing this chapter and with me and providing a visual for Maria's outfit. Please make sure to check out her books and polyvore @Kweendez and @Royalqueen01

Heres the chap
Location- August's House
Date- March 16, 2015 Saturday
Time- 2:26pm

"ANT !" I shouted from downstairs in the living room.

"Yes ?" He said, rushing to the stairs.

"Come here we need to have a talk."

"Am I in trouble ?"

"No, we just need to talk."

"Yes ?" He asked, while climbing onto the couch to sit next to me.

"What makes you think I don't love you ?"

"I heard what you said to mommie. You said you have one child," he explained, holding up one finger. "You said your child is in the hospital and I'm not in the hospital." He said, sticking out his bottom lip as tears started to form.

"I thought you were a big boy, not a child."

"I am a big boy."

"Okay, so therefore I have one child and one big boy." He wiped his eyes, as he started to show a sly smile. "You know I love you ! Forever and always."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"Not possible." He giggled, while climbing off the couch. Before I could say anything back he was gone up the stairs, as my eyes caught sight of Maria walking down the stairs with her bags.

"Whoa - whoa - whoa... Where you going ?" I asked, rushing towards her.

"I think I should go live with my dad for a few weeks or months."

"N-no, n-n-no."

"Why ?"

"He's the reason your here."

"Ok, you keep saying that but never tell me what it is he did."

"Maria he kicked you out because you were pregnant."

".......................don't lie to me."

"Maria that's something I would never do."

"I- I just think I s-should go -"

"Maria.....please.....stay." I felt like I was talking to her in the hospital bed. The room was quiet for a minute, until Ant came down the stairs to show Maria this new toy he had found. But, he froze at the sight of Maria and her bags.

"We going on vacation ?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

"No, Maria was just um.......lea-"

"Showing your daddy some new clothes I just bought." Maria said, interrupting me. Ant looked at us for a minute, like we were weird, before he made his way back up the stairs. Before I could ask Maria why the change of heart, somebody knocked on the door.

"Who is it ?"

"Breezy." I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name... He been coming over here a lot lately.

"Wassup, nigga ?" I said, dapping him up.

"We got to redo last night...without Aggy."

"Sure. What you got planned ?" Maria asked.

"Okay, everybody knows I'm childish. So, let's do Amazing Jake... That way Ant can come, then we can go out to eat."

"Sounds like a plan. You tell everybody else ?"

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