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"So where exactly are we going?" Sawyer asked me from the passenger seat.

"To the mall of course!" I answered while getting off on my exit.

"Well I could have figured that one out." He laughed.

"Then you shouldn't have asked." I was already pulling into the parking lot of the mall. One of my favorite things about being in Anaheim, the house is so close to everything.

"You're so mean to me. After the surprise yesterday.. Yeesh." Sawyer faked a pout at me.

"I'm not even mean!" I laughed and parked my car towards the front of the parking lot. I didn't even have the chance to unbuckle when my phone was buzzing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at Jones' face filling the screen. "Shit" I mumbled before pressing answer.

"Hey Jones." I said into the phone, not happy at all.

"Well then. Don't sound so happy to hear from me." Jones grumbled making me laugh a bit.

Jones is one of my best friends. I don't know how I would go about Carl without him.

"Well how am I supposed to sound when you call me while I'm visiting my family. You're probably calling me because Carl is on his man period or some shit."

"You're a mind reader. I swear to God." Jones said in response.

"What? Are you serious Jones? No. I was kidding."

"Well. I was told to inform you that Carl needs your book done by Friday at five."

"You're shitting me." I almost yelled. "Jone's it's Monday! How am I supposed to finish my book in three days! I have to have it in to you by Wednesday evening!"

"Look. I'm sorry. I tried really hard to get him to understand, but you know how Carl is. Once he gets his mind set on something, that's what it's going to be. There's no talking about it with him."

"Jones. I can't finish the last six chapters of this book in three days!" I yelled again before banging my head on the steering wheel in front of me. I almost started crying out of frustration when Sawyer put his hand on my back.

"Look I'm sorry! I tried my best!" Jones was getting frustrated with me for snapping.

"Just book my damn flight for Thursday morning so I can meet with you for the print copy." I say before angrily pressing the end button and throwing my cell phone into the backseat with a frustrated groan.

"How in the hell am I supposed to finish my damn book in three fucking days!" I screamed again. "I swear to God Carl only does this shit when he knows I'm busy."

"Hey. Babe calm down." Sawyer says while rubbing my arm. "You can do this. I know you can."

"Yeah well thanks to my Douche Nozzle of a boss, I have to cancel this trip. I need to get home and get to work." I groan into the steering wheel again. "I'm sorry babe. I really wanted to go shopping with you."

"It's alright. I understand. Let's just get back so you can get to work. Maybe you'll finish early and we can do something before you leave for New York." Sawyer gave me a small smile.

"I guess." I said before starting my car back up.


"Now is not the time for this shit!" I yelled before throwing my notebook at my bedroom door.

Sawyer was sitting on my bed with his headphones in, trying really hard not to bother me, but I guess my outburst just now made it hard for him to keep quiet. He pulled his headphones off his head and saying "Hey. What's wrong?"

Bring Me To LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora