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"I think we're done celebrating for the night." Sawyer laughed to his parents around midnight, "This one is tired." It was true. I had my head laying on his shoulder as we cuddled on the floor, but I could hardly keep my eyes open.

"That's alright. Everybody go to bed. Santa still has to come!" Momma yelped from her spot on the couch, Jamison was sleeping in his spot next to her.

"Dylan, I think we may have to carry Milya up the stairs again. She's passed out." Vanessa giggled. She was sprawled out on the floor next to her little sister, she looked about ready to fall asleep too.

"This girl needs to learn to go upstairs when she gets to a certain level of tired." Dylan yawned and stood up.

"I've got her. You guys can head upstairs." Sawyer smiled. 

"You sure? I'm used to carrying her to her room. She falls asleep like this at least once a week." Dylan shrugged. Ever sense the proposal, he's cheered up tremendously. 

"I've got it man. Just go upstairs."

"Alright. Goodnight you guys. See you in the morning." Dylan gave a small wave and hugged his mom, also giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas."

"Goodnight. Merry Christmas." I smiled up at him. 

"See ya when Milya wakes everybody up." He laughed.

"Goodnight!" Vanessa jumped up and gave everybody, including me, a hug before following Dylan up the stairs.

"Momma, I'm going to take Brit to my room and find some clothes to wear to bed, then I'll come get Milya. Is that okay with you?" Sawyer stood up and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

"That's fine. Just don't take too long. Santa still has to come, but I'm getting tired and the other one is already asleep." Momma smiled at us. "Congratulations again you two. I'm glad to see you are both as happy as you are."

"Thank you." I smiled at her. 

"Thank you. And thank you for your help today. I'm so glad it all went according to plan." Sawyer's bright smile was back on his face as he talked about the earlier events.

"You're welcome sweetie. Now go get your fiance settled in so that you can get this little girl to her bed for me." 

"On it." He laughed and grabbed my hand, twining his fingers with mine. "I hope you don't mind if you have to sleep in a little bit of cold. My room is in the basement."

"I don't mind. I'll have you to cuddle with all night." I whispered to him as he led me to a staircase.

"That's a good point. I'm not sure that I am going to have any pants for you to sleep in though. I was a pretty large teenager and almost everything in the room is from when I was still in high school. I never changed any of it during college, and I never moved back in after I graduated from college."

"I probably would end up taking the pants off anyway."

"Oh. Oh."

"Did you really think you would be going to bed without celebrating with me at least a little bit before bed?"

"Well no. I guess. I don't really, no." Sawyer laughed as we walked down the stairs and into a little hallway. "Since Jordan and I were the oldest boys, we got to share the basement after Dylan was born. He chose to stay upstairs tonight because he knew that I was going to propose. I'm guessing he didn't want to take the chance of exposing Maggie to the bedtime wrestling." Sawyer let out a laugh and opened a door to my right. "Seriously, you can't laugh at my room. I know it's weird and cluttered and the posters are probably not what you want to see, but it's my high school bedroom. I was a weird kid."

"Alright you goof, I promise that I won't laugh." I started preparing myself for the posters of half-naked girls that I was sure were going to be posted all over his walls, I mean, that's always what Greg and Rhett had in their rooms.

Sawyer opened the door wider and led me inside, flipping the light switch next to my head. His room was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. He had a pretty big bed in the right corner, right next to a window, his sheets were black and his pillows looked amazingly fluffy. I could see that he had a couple pairs of shoes and a few duffle bags shoved under his bed. His closet didn't have a door, but it was a nice size, overflowing with old t-shirts and hoodies and jackets, his dresser was shoved underneath the clothes, the top drawer was poking open a little bit. He had a TV mounted on the wall, directly across from the bed, a computer desk with a swivel chair was set up underneath, a completely full bookshelf next to that. 

His walls were painted a dark blue color, and the posters were of old bands and video games. Video games, and I mean a lot of video games. Sawyer was a total nerd. It was so unusual for me to see so many video games, and the entire set of the Star Wars movies.  There wasn't a single poster of a half naked girl.

"You told me you were a weird kid, and for some reason I expected that your room would be like my brothers. I thought there was going to be posters and pictures of half naked girls everywhere." I smiled and walked over to his bookshelf.

"I took those to college with me. I grew up a lot in college and ended up throwing them away right before graduation. But I was trying to hint to you that I was a huge dork in high school." He smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"Good music taste though." I smiled as I ran my finger along his CD collection. 

"Thanks." He walked towards the closet and opened the bottom drawer. "Do you want to try some sweats? It gets pretty cold in here. Mom always turns the air conditioner on at night to help her sleep, and the heating down here kind of sucks."

"You can get some out. I may put them on before we go to bed. I'm more worried about a t-shirt or something."

"Well here's a hoodie. This was my favorite thing when I was in high school. I wore it all the time." Sawyer tossed me an old, faded hoodie, with the name of his old soccer team printed across the front and his last name peeling off the back. 

"Thank you." I smiled. "Go take Milya to her bed and come back to me."

"Okay. I'm going to get out of these jeans and this freakin' shirt first." Sawyer unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the side, his pants following close behind. He grabbed a pair of old basketball shorts out of the dresser and pulled them on. "I'm amazed that these still fit. Since they are from before I started playing all the sports."

"Are you going to wear a shirt?"

"Glad to know that's the only thing you have to say." Sawyer laughed. "No, probably not."

"Then hurry your ass up and go get your sister."

"On it." He laughed again before walking out of the room.

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