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"Do you guys have clothes on? I really don't want to see my big brother naked." Milya yelled while knocking on the door at six o'clock Christmas morning.

"Jesus Milya. It's six in the damn morning. Go back to bed." Sawyer grumbled and covered his face with his arm, pulling me closer to him. I pulled his blanket up so it covered most of my face and snuggled closer to his chest.

"So? Santa came! Presents!" Milya screamed back, slowly creaking the door open, trying to make sure that she could come in without seeing any naked parts.

"Dude. No pants!" Sawyer yelled. "Go away. We'll come upstairs when we're finished getting dressed." Sawyer rolled over onto his side and wrapped his arms around me.

"I asked if you were wearing clothes!" Milya screamed and I could hear the slapping of her hand over her eyes. "Hurry up! Mom won't let us open anything until you two get upstairs. We're all waiting on you!" 

"Well I didn't answer!" Sawyer snapped. "We'll be up in a minute!"

"Fine." I heard the door slam shut and I moved closer to Sawyer, suddenly aware of how cold it was. 

"Do we have to get up?" I whispered against his chest.

"Do you have clothes on?" Sawyer asked.

"I have a huge t-shirt and my underwear on. None of your pants fit me." 

"You're fine then. Do you care about going in front of my family in those?"

"No. The shirt almost goes to my knees. Do I need to go up with you?"

"You don't need to get up then. You're fine. I'm going to get up, just long enough to throw those shorts back on. Then we're going to go back to sleep until they come and wake us up again. I think we would gain another hour. But yeah, you have to come up. Santa came for you too." 

"Santa came for me?" 

"Your parents sent you stuff, but they sent it to this address because they knew we would be here. The stuff I got you. My mom and I went shopping for you together. Yeah. Santa came for you too."

"Well alrighty then."

"Seriously though. I'm going to put these shorts on and then cuddle you until they force me out of this bed."

"Sounds like a plan to me. I feel like we just went to bed."

"We pretty much did." He laughed.



"What did you do Sawyer? Go back to sleep? You said you would be up in a minute!" Milya screamed as she ran down the stairs, this time there were more footsteps then just hers.

"Get your lazy asses up!" Dylan yelled as he burst through the door and jumped on top of Sawyer. "Seriously. Milya is starting to get annoying."

"I am not! I want to know what I got." Milya defended from the doorway. "Sawyer, did you put pants on at least?"

"Dude, he does this every year. You wake him up the first time and he makes sure he's clothed and then goes back to sleep so that we can jump on him. You're good."

"Sawyer come on! The stockings are overflowing this year!" Vanessa joined in on the yelling, making me bury my head into the pillow, right next to Sawyer.

"Alright guys, chill out a bit. We're up now." Sawyer mumbled, sitting up and pushing Dylan to the floor. "Head upstairs. We'll follow you up. Promise this time."

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