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"Your wedding is going to be absolutely gorgeous Nikki."I told my best friend while we were on our way to her wedding rehearsal. She'd been telling me about the decorations and the set up of her wedding. It sounded absolutely beautiful. The wedding was going to be in the middle of a beautiful garden. The reception would be held in a meadow.

I was the Maid of Honor. I grew up with Nikki. We've been best friends sense kindergarten. I cried so much when she told me that she was engaged to Griffin, and even more when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor.

"We're here!" Nikki smiled a huge smile as we pulled into the parking lot of the gardens.

We climbed out of the car, pulling our dresses down so that nothing was showing.

I was wearing a light blue dress that has a floral belt around the middle. Nikki was wearing a red dress that matched mine.

We walked into the building where they asked us if we were here for the wedding rehearsal and set up. She led us back to the part of the garden where the wedding would be held. There we saw Nikki's fiance, Griffin, and the rest of the bridal party.

The bridesmaids were three of our closest friends from High School. The first was Brianna who was a five foot three redheaded girl. She has amazing blue eyes and is wearing a light pink summer dress with silver ballet flats. Her blue eyes were outlined by her black eyeliner and mascara. Her cheeks are a rosy pink. The second bridesmaid was Talliah, the blonde drama queen of our group. Pretty green eyes and pale lips. She's about five foot two and wearing a short purple dress with a black ribbon around the middle. The third in our little group was the innocent Penny, pretty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, five foot six, with a smile that could light up a whole room.

I didn't know more than one of the groomsman. The one I knew was Tyler. He was the cowboy at our high school. I mean, he still is a good old southern man. He's got light blond hair that is just long enough to run your hands through, and the brightest blue eyes, almost brighter than Brianna. He's tall, around six foot four without shoes on. He has a nice build too. He's also the guy that Nikki and I have been trying to set up with Brianna. Nikki had them paired up for the wedding since we had been trying to set them up since high school. It was part of a master plan to make them fall in love during the wedding, more so the bridal party dance.

Griffin was obviously the groom. He has been in our group just sense college. He went to high school in a completely different state then us. But he's still the best guy out there for my best friend. He's good looking too. Six foot three with brown hair, short, but not too short, and light brown eyes.

"Oh yeah! You guys don't know some of the groomsmen or the best man do you? Oops." Nikki laughed breaking me out of my thoughts. "This is Alex. He's gonna be paired up with Penny!" Alex has about the same innocent look as Penny too. It's cute really. He has black hair that's pretty short, but long enough to tell that it's there and his eyes are a dark blue. He has a pair of black glasses that frame his eyes. "Jordan. He's with Talliah." Jordan was cuter than Alex, but TOTALLY perfect for Talliah. He had pitch black hair with grey eyes. He was really well built and you could tell by the glints in his eyes that he was a total drama king. "Now Brianna you'll be paired with Tyler." Nikki turns to wink at me signaling that she has a lot planned to play matchmaker for the week that we are all stuck up here. "And now! Britain will be with Sawyer."

Oh dear God.

I've never seen such a good looking man, hell, person, in the history of the world

Was it possible that my insides just burst in happiness?

I ran my eyes up and down Sawyer's perfect body. He was doing the same to me, while biting his lip, making him look even better.

He's got the perfect blonde hair, it was kind of pushed up towards the front of his face, it looked like he had been running his perfect hands through it all day. Yes. I am twenty-four years old and just said this man has perfect hands. But you need to understand how true it is. They are the perfect size, and you can tell they would be soft even with his calluses. He's around six feet tall. His eyes though. PERFECT shade of silvery blue. I mean literally PERFECT!

He even wore a suit.

To rehearsal! You don't HAVE to wear a suit to rehearsal. But he did.

And boy was he pulling this suit off.

"Well if you guys are done eye humping. The ushers and the priest are here and we would like to get this show on the road." Griffin winked at me. Normally I would blush, but right then, that was just too close to the truth for me to even care.

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