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"I missed you so much." Sawyer whispered the next morning as he placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I missed you too." I smiled and rolled over on top of him. "Are you going to work?"

"No. Hand me my phone and I'll call my boss. I'm spending the day with you." He grinned up at me as I reached over and grabbed his cell phone off the end table next to us.

"Hurry. I want you to cook me food." I leaned down and kissed his bare shoulder.

Sawyer laughed and unlocked his phone. I watched him find his boss's contact and press the call button, then I climbed off him and grabbed his t-shirt from the night before off the floor, and slipped it over my head, and pulled on a pair of my underwear, Sawyer watching me the whole time.

"Hey Brett. It's Sawyer calling. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be able to come in today." Sawyer paused. "Oh something just came up." Another pause. "E-mail me the files and everything. I can work on it tonight and have them all ready by tomorrow morning when I come in to work. The Perkins will be okay. They're used to dealing with our firm." He paused another time and rolled his eyes, "Then tell them to tell their son to stop getting in trouble with the law and then maybe, just maybe. they wouldn't always have to find a way to pay for a lawyer." Another eye roll. "Bye Brett."

"You're cute when you're talking to work people." I smiled and climbed on top of him again.

"Even lawyer people deal with idiots. I was just asked to represent this teenage boy, for the third time in two years, for destruction of property and vandalism. His parents complain about costs for each time. This time, they're on the verge of getting him taken out of their house."

"Well let me help you get your mind off that. You need to make me food."

"Why are you so hungry?"

"You made me burn off all my dinner calories plus some, last night. Remember?"

"How could I forget?" Sawyer winked at me before pulling my face to his and giving me a really big kiss. "We could burn some more if you want?"

"After breakfast. Food needs to be in my belly." I giggled and gave him another kiss, before climbing out of his bed and pulling him up with me. "Maybe you should put some pants on first though."

"You don't like me being naked?"

"I don't like anybody being naked unless it's for certain reasons." I giggled and pretended to cover my eyes.

"Alright dork." He laughed and I heard him open a drawer. I moved my hand and watched him pull on a pair of grey sweatpants. "You ready to go find something to eat and discuss our plans for the day?" He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him.

"Yes please. But I think you should give me a piggy back ride."

And so he did.


"So we can decide what we're doing today while I make you breakfast if you want." Sawyer smiled and pulled a pan out of a cabinet next to his oven.

"Sounds good. You don't have much food in here." I laughed and sat on the counter next to his oven.

"I know. There's a lot I need to get done around here. I haven't been shopping sense two weeks before I left for Indiana. I didn't see the point in buying food when I was just going to leave."

"I see. Do you even have anything to make for breakfast?"

"It looks like I have..." Sawyer paused for a minute and reached his hand into a pantry. "Noodles."

"Noodles for breakfast.. Sounds like the healthiest thing ever."

"You get used to eating stuff like this when you're a single man living all by yourself in the middle of London. I kid you not, the whole week before the wedding, I ate nothing but noodles and cheese sandwiches because I did not want to go shopping."

"So your laziness has led to my starvation. We need to go get something to eat or I may pass out, or even die of hunger in the next hour."

"Well than I guess you should go put on some real pants, and I should go put on some jeans and a t-shirt, so I can take you to get breakfast at Marlie's Diner."

"As long as you can promise me the food is amazing, I'm down."

"I promise it's the best food you'll find in London, well, for breakfast anyways."

"Sounds great."

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