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I woke up the next morning to Sawyer planting sweet kisses all over my face. The best way for anyone to wake up.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles at me before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning!" I chirped.

"You gotta get up and meet Nikki in her room next door. It's wedding day!" He smiles.

Wedding day. Also known as Friday. Two more days with Sawyer.

"Oh. Yay." I smiled a sad smile.

"Don't think about it right now. We have all day and night tomorrow babe. Come on. Get up! And be happy. Your best friend in the whole world is marrying the man of her dreams today!" Sawyer cheered. "Plus, I get to dance the night away with the most beautiful Maid of Honor to ever live on this planet."

"You're adorable." I smiled at him.

"You know you can't wait to slow dance with me all night." He smiled back before leaning back over me and kissing me again.

"I think you're holding enough excitement for the two of us." I giggled kissing him. "But yeah. I'm very excited to dance the night away with you Mr. Best Man."

"I know. Now get up and get yourself ready to go over and meet Nikki before she busts the door down!" He laughed before grabbing my hands and pulling me into a standing position on the bed.

"You're very happy today."

"Of course! I'll be happy any day that I get to see you in a dress." He laughed. "Plus my best friend is about to marry the girl of his dreams. And I get to walk around with you on my arm all day. I couldn't think of anything better. Except for maybe our wedding day."

God Sawyer why do you have to make me feel this way.

"I'm excited too baby." I smile before kissing him on the nose. Then I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

I had very strict instructions that I had no choice but to follow. Things like: No shower the night before the wedding, do not get dressed, and make sure you have your hair brush with you.

My best friend is a little bit of a control freak.

When I was done, I walked back into the main part of the hotel room and see Sawyer sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap.

I silently walked over to him and picked the laptop up and sat it on the table next to us. Then I sat on his lap, straddling him, with a big smile on my face.

"Hey there beautiful." He smiled before pecking my nose.

"Hi." I giggled before kissing him.

"We are being a really corny couple aren't we?" His smile grew even bigger.

"It's alright. I wouldn't ask for anything else." I laughed as my phone started buzzing on the end table between the beds, still plugged into the charger.

"I must go. For I have Maid of Honor duties that I must show up for, or else my best friend may have an anxiety attack and kill me. Then our plans of dancing the night away, would be no longer."

"Make sure you take your charger and I'll help keep a smile on that cute little face of yours. Then maybe you won't get too stressed." He smiled as I stood up.

"That'd be perfect." I smiled back as I unplug my phone charger from the wall and slipped on a pair of flip flops.

"Is that what your wearing to Nikki's room?"

"Yeah. I'm following her very strict instructions." I laughed "Meet me back here around four-thirty. We can ride to the wedding together, and you'll be the first one to see me in my dress."

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