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"So, are we using all three of these air mattresses then?"I asked my brothers that night after dinner. We had waited to set them up because the kids were being crazy and we didn't want to take the chance that one of them were going to get a hole in them or something.

"Yeah. Greg takes up too much room." Rhett complained as he stretched one of the air mattresses out on the floor behind the couch.

"Alright. I laughed and threw the air mattress that was in my arms on the floor in front of the couch. 

The living room was a mess. There was the air mattress that Rhett was setting up, the one that I was about to put up in front of the couch, and the third air mattress that Sawyer was setting up at the foot of mine. My brothers had suitcases lining the walls on the living room, plates and cups were laying all over the coffee table, and Briston and Reed had pulled out a ton of DVDs and left them laying in front of the TV and the shelf. I was getting stressed out because of the mess and how crowded the apartment was. 

"Sawyer, we need to figure something out for tomorrow. I may go crazy if we're all stuck crowded in this apartment all day." I said, Sawyer was on the other side of the air mattresses.

"I figured we would go buy the paint for the house tomorrow and start painting." Sawyer replied. "We could take the air mattresses with us tomorrow and just stay over there. Paint the rooms upstairs first, let them dry, then paint downstairs."

"That sounds like a good plan." I put the pump in my air mattress before looking at my brothers, "Are you guys going to want to go with us to pick the paint up, or are you going to want to hang out with the kids at the new house?"

"Why don't you just finish blowing up these air mattresses and then we can talk about this. I'm just ready to lay down." Rhett responded before turning his pump on and drowning out the noise in the living room. I guess he got his way without giving anybody the chance to respond.


"So are you going to want to go with us or hang out at the new house? We're going to paint every room in the house, so we might be gone a while." I looked at my brothers as they stretched themselves out on the air mattresses. 

It took us about an hour to get all three beds set up, the kids were already asleep and neither of my brothers would answer my questions.

"We might as well just go with you." Greg said, "That way we can just get the paint and stuff on the way to the house."

"That would be good. We'll have to get brushes and everything else as well." Sawyer told him, I could tell he was frustrated because everybody was cranky and snapping about everything, plus, they had been here one day and that apartment was trashed.

"That's fine, it's still probably better if you don't have to make two trips or anything. We can just get it all done at once." Greg added. 

"Okay." I agreed and Sawyer just nodded.

"Goodnight." Rhett yelled.

"How about you learn some respect jackass." I snapped and stood up, walking grumpily to my room. Sawyer was close behind me, obviously not wanting to be left in the war zone.

Day one of having my brothers here, and we were going at each others throats. You know everybody is tired when we fight, considering my brothers and I have always been super close and we only fight when we are really grumpy, usually not even then.

"Try to not be too mad, you have to remember they were on a plane all night last night with two kids, to come and see you, they didn't get any sleep. Granted we didn't either, but still. Everybody is cranky." Sawyer walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to a stop right in front of our bedroom door.

"I know. I didn't mean to snap. I'm just stressed because the place is a mess and Rhett has been a big baby ever sense we picked them up from the airport." I leaned in to Sawyer.

"I know. Just try to calm down. We'll get the place cleaned up tomorrow, then we will get to the new house and start getting things ready there. Try to be happy. You and I are one day closer to our forever and our new home." 

"We have a wedding to plan." A smile brightened my face. 

"That we do baby." Sawyer kissed my forehead. "And I'm going to have the most beautiful bride in the whole world."

"I freakin' love you Sawyer."

"I freakin' love you too Britain."

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