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"I wasn't expecting everybody to react that way." I told Sawyer as we slid into his car after breakfast.

"I know. But I'm glad we at least got to talk to them about it. They all seemed really worried though."

"I know. But could you blame them? We did just meet. You are about to head back to England. I'm heading to California for a few weeks, then I'm off to move to New York City. We would be worried about our friends if they were doing this."

"True enough. But can I ask you, what's in California?"

"My parents and siblings."

"And New York?"

"Book publishers and publishing houses."

"So you're a writer?"

"Absolutely. What are you?"

"Right now, I'm working at a law firm."

"Oh that's cool. Why do you say right now?"

"Well, I'm not exactly working as a lawyer, so I plan on leaving there soon. I'm not exactly sure if law is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life anymore, so I'm thinking about leaving and spending some time floating around jobs to find what I want to do for the rest of my life."

"I see. What did you go to college for?"

"Well I went to university and doubled majored. So I technically have a degree in law and a degree in psychology."

"That's actually really cool. I knew from day one that I wanted to be an author just like my dad. So when I went to college I majored in English and minored in journalism. Sounds like a weird mix for a writer, but I wanted the English degree so that I could teach if I wanted to."

"I think that's really cool. Do you think you'll ever actually start teaching?"

"Maybe one day. I like writing so much though. It lets me stay home and spend all the time I want to with family and friends. At least until it gets closer to time to publish the book."

"Well, I think you should follow your dreams. Do what you love and love what you do."

"Thank you, Saw."

"Plus, if you ever get tired of the States, there are some pretty big publishers in London. I could send you some contacts if you ever want me to... Not trying to force you or anything though."

"Maybe one day!"

We were both quiet for a second. Just sitting in his car at the red light. My mind was running a thousand miles a second.

"What will we do when you go to London? How will we keep this going?" I asked, not able to stop thinking about it.

"Well, when we can't be together, we can FaceTime, text, and of course there's phone calls. And we can visit each other every chance we get. And I know I would never pause at an opportunity to come see you, whether it's in California, or New York."

"And I've always dreamed about going to England."

"See babe, we'll figure this out. I promise."

I smiled at him as he parked the car next to Nikki's at the mall. Maybe he was right. Maybe everything would be okay. We could do this.

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