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"Excuse me. I'm on the inside." I told the guy I would be sitting next to on this stupid four hour long plane ride.

"I'm sorry miss." The man, I guess he was a little too old for me to refer to him as a guy, stood up and let me into my seat.

I slipped in and sat down, putting my bag in my lap to dig around for my phone and my headphones. I wanted nothing more then to listen to sad music, cry, and look through all of the pictures I had of Sawyer and I.

"Is everything alright?" The man asked me as he sat back down.

"Oh. Yeah. Everything's fine."I responded, with a very hoarse voice. I just wasn't too sure how I felt about sharing my personal life with some random man on an airplane.

"You just look really sad." The man pointed out. What a nice way of telling me I look like shit.

"I'm okay. Just not very good at good-byes I guess." I told him while shoving my bag under the seat in front of me.

"It gets worse when you have kids." He gave me a sad smile. "It's always so hard when I have to leave my daughter, but I guess you gotta go what you gotta do. Even if it does suck."

"Yeah." I whispered. I really didn't feel like talking to anybody.

I waited until the man had turned away from me, then I put my headphones on and pressed play on my shuffle list. Of course, the first song that played was Before Midnight. The first song that Sawyer and I ever danced to.

The tears started filling in my eyes again. I snuggled up in the hoodie that Sawyer gave me to keep, it was about three sizes to big and smelled exactly like him, so it felt just like one of his hugs.

I tried as hard as I could to blink back the tears, but it just made things worse. They started falling down my cheeks, fast and hard. I flipped up the hood to the hoodie and hid my face from the world around me. I tried to calm down, but nothing would work. The tears continued to fall down my face.

Then my phone buzzed. I unlocked the screen and saw a three to four page text message from Sawyer.


Hey there beautiful girl. I can basically feel your heavy heart, all the way over here at my gate... Well it's actually my broken heart, but I know that you have gotta be feeling the same way.

I just want to tell you, letting you get on that plane, watching you get on that plane, was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do.

We may have only known each other for a short time, but you really showed me what love is. I couldn't imagine ever feeling this way about anybody. Then I met you. The past few days, have been the best days of my life. We made so many amazing memories together and we had so much fun. And more importantly, we fell in love. Then we had to say goodbye. This was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do.

But thinking about our time together, I know I would have never changed a thing. You are amazing. Pure beauty. Pure perfection. And I love you so much.

I never thought it would be possible for me to feel this way about a girl, but you totally proved that wrong.

Now, I couldn't imagine having made this trip and not meeting you.

"I'm sorry, M'am you have to put your phone on airplane mode now." One of the flight attendants told me kindly.

I switched my modes quickly, then went back to reading.

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