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"This place is so beautiful." I swooned as soon as we got out of the car. 

"Not as beautiful as you." He smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist and walking with me to the front of the Welcome Center building.

"You're such a corny person." I giggled poking his cheek.

"I've realized, we really act like a couple of teenagers pretty much all the time." Sawyer laughed as we walked through the door.

"Oh well. It just means we're still young and that we have a healthy relationship." I stuck my tongue out at him and led him to the back of the building where the rest of the bridal party was waiting, including Dylan.

"We are here. We are ready. We shall begin." Tyler laughed.

"You're so weird." Brianna rolled her eyes at the guy standing on her left.

"Let's all get lined up!" Nikki said clapping her hands. "The music should be starting any time now." 

"Calm down Nik. We have time. Take deep breaths." I smiled at her and gave her a small hug.

"Thanks. But seriously. Get lined up." She laughed while pushing me towards Sawyer, who is already waiting at the front of the line. 

Griffin looked so strange up there all by himself with the creepy pastor. 

"Just look at Grif." Sawyer laughed "He looks so awkward. And the Pastor dude is just starring at the girl over there in the yellow dress... Wait a second." Sawyer said looking at the girl, then back at me, then back at the girl. "Whoa. You guys look a lot a like. Only, you are even more beautiful. But still!" 

"That's because that's my twin sister." I laughed really hard, "I guess the Pastor has a very specific type."

"What do you mean?" Sawyer asked me.

"Did you not notice that he was looking at me just like that at the rehearsal? I mean his eyes even drifted to my boobs a few times." 

"Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Because it's really not that big of a deal. I'm never going to see that guy again after today."

"Well I guess that's true. But still." He shook his head. "Can you just loop your arm with mine already. I'm going to go crazy if I have to keep standing here with you and you don't touch me soon."

"You're a baby. Why are you still starring at my family?" I asked while looping my arm through his.

"Just analyzing before I meet them. Is your twin married? Or are those your siblings or something. You're only twenty-four, and if your twins so is she. If those are her kids..."

"She is married. Her name is Rosie. Her husband, is Clemson, who is sitting on her right. The baby in the car-seat in front of him, on the ground, is their only child so far. She just gave birth a couple weeks ago, which is my main reason for going home." I paused then looked at my oldest brother, "The one next to Clemson is my oldest big brother, Greg. He's twenty-nine. The two little girls in pink dresses, are his daughters. The older one is Kayla, she's nine. The younger one is Briston. She's four. Then there is the little boy sitting between Greg and his wife, Tonia, the little boy is his youngest. He's two and his name is Desmond."

"Like from Narnia?"

"Exactly from Narnia. My poor brother was hoping so bad that he would have a son so he could name him that." 

"Oh. Well keep telling me."

" Alright. Behind Greg, there's Rhett. He's twenty-six. He's married to Iris, who is on his right, with the little girl on her lap. The little girl is their youngest, well for now. She's three and her name is Teagan. Their oldest is playing in the grass, being the six year old boy that he is." I paused to laugh, "His name is Reed, Iris just informed everybody that she's pregnant again."

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