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"Are you going to tell Sawyer?" Jade asked me with a smile. 

I've been texting my mom and siblings ever sense Carl told me the news about what he was planning. They're all really excited for me. But not as excited as Jade was when I told her. 

In fact, she literally ran to the office so she could talk to me about it while I was picking my cover.

"I haven't decided yet." I said with a smile. "He's supposed to call me as soon as his plane lands though. Which could be any time now. I just need to wait to hear back from Nikki about if her and Griffin will still be in England to give me a ride to surprise him."

"This is seriously the cutest thing I've ever heard of or seen in my life. I wish Jones and I had this kind of romance." Jade cooed as my phone started ringing and Nikki's number lit up my screen in a text message.

"Yes! Okay if you're in here when Sawyer calls me, you can't say a single thing about the trip and you have to keep look out for me. Sawyer can't hear anything about what I'm planning until I show up at his doorstep."

"Sounds wonderful. I'll do whatever you want me to do." Jade had a huge smile on her face. I'm pretty sure this was the happiest I had ever seen her. 

"Hey! Britain have you made a cover decision yet?" A girl I work with, Layla, asked and barged in my office. Carl is pretty much demanding to know which one you want. He really wants this done as soon as possible." 

"Uh yeah! Tell him I want this one." I smiled and handed her a copy of the image. "Tell him I'm working on the dedication and then I'll be ready to head to the meeting with printing.

"Alright! Thank you!" She smiled and ran out of my office, the door slamming behind her.

"Someone was a little excited." Jade giggled as my phone started ringing and Sawyer's picture filled my phone screen.

"Hey!" I answered chirpily as soon as I hit the answer button. I sent Jade a hand signal telling her to keep look out.

"Hey beautiful! How's everything going?" He asked from the other side of the phone.

"Pretty good. You sound super sleepy."

"I am. It's really hard to sleep on a ten hour airplane when there's a little boy kicking the back of your seat and an old man sleeping on your shoulder and snoring in your ear." He laughed a little bit. "Sorry if I sound cranky. I'm just really tired and it's weird not having you here with me."

"I know. But we'll be okay. I know it." I said with a small smile. 

"I know." He paused and then said, "So how's work going? Have you started anything yet?"

"Yeah. I'm actually in my office now. Pretending to work on my dedication that's already finished. My cover was picked. The page sizes were picked and the font was picked. So I just have to give them the dedication and then I head into an immediate meeting with the printing company. But it's been pretty fun so far. I've just been waiting on you."

 "Sounds like you have a busy day today." Sawyer yawned.

"Yeah. But it's alright. Do you want me to let you go?" I asked.

"No. I want to talk to you until you have to go. I'm already at my moms. Can you FaceTime?" 

"Sure, you change the call."

"Alright. See you in a few."

I hung up the phone call and waited for a second before Sawyers face filled the screen again.

"Hey there cutie." Sawyer smiled as his face lit up my phone.

"Hello there." I giggled when I noticed his super sleepy face. "I think this may be the first time I've ever seen you with facial hair. I kind of love it." I smiled at the very small, light beard and mustache that Sawyer had growing on his face.

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