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Sawyer slowly wrapped his arms around my waist as we continued to kiss. His lips were so soft against mine. I knew I needed to pull away, I could feel the sparks flying dangerously in my body. I was falling for Sawyer after only a few hours. I shouldn't be doing this to myself, but I couldn't stop. It felt so natural to be kissing Sawyer. And I knew that he could feel it too.

Finally Sawyer and I broke apart for air. We leaned our foreheads against each other and stood there like that for a few minutes. Neither of us said anything or moved until we heard a knock at the door.

"I guess I'll get that." Sawyer whispered with his breath blowing across my face, then again he didn't move a muscle.

"Maybe I should." I whispered back inhaling his smell and not wanting to move away from him.

"Come on! I know you two are in there! Someone let me in!" Penny's voice yelled from the other side of the door.

"Coming!" Sawyer yelled, his breath once again hitting me in the face as he spoke. Then, all to soon, his forehead left mine and he walked over to the door.

The door opened and revealed a completely pissed off looking Penny, with tears filling her eyes.

"Whoa Penny, what's wrong?" I asked with worry filling my body.

"I uh. You have to promise not to say anything to anybody! You're the only one that I'm telling and I'm only telling you because I know that I can trust you and everything. Please? You have to swear!" Penny yelled at me as she rushed into the hotel room.

"I will just.. uh... I'll be back later Britain. Have fun!" Before I even had time to protest, Sawyer was out the door and gone. Leaving me alone with the emotional wreck that was Penny.

"Calm down sweetie. You know you can trust me." I whispered the words trying to comfort the sobbing mess of a girl that was sitting on one of the beds. I was beyond confused. I had no idea what to say to her or anything. I had no idea what could be wrong.

"About a year ago I went to the beach on vacation. You remember that right?" Penny waited for me to nod my head, "Well I sort of met Alex there too. He was on vacation with his mom, dad, and his two sisters and their families. We really hit it off. We'd dated for almost a whole year. We were really close and everything. Then we got into this really big fight about a week and a half ago and we ended up breaking up. It's been really hard for me to handle it and everything. I didn't even know that he knew Griff. It sucks because I had to act all happy and like I wasn't hurting while being near him, because then you all would have figured everything out and neither of us had really wanted to tell anybody that we were dating until we were absolutely sure that we were going to work out for the long term. But then we got back to the hotel and got everything settled into the room. I sat down kind of awkwardly and then he sat down too. He said hey and everything. Then we started talking about the break up. He said he was sorry and everything and that he wished everything would work out between us because he missed me a whole ton and that he wanted to give it another try."

"Well then why is that a bad thing?" I asked even more confused then I was before. Penny is so sweet and innocent. She's also the one that's supposed to be smarter and everything. I didn't understand why she wouldn't be happy about him wanting to give their relationship another shot.

"Because he said that he thinks he still needs more time to think about it. He told me to give him until the end of the week, before we all left, and he would let me know if he was still feeling the same way." Penny took a really big breath before more tears started falling down her face. "I guess I'm just scared that he won't still want to try again at the end of the week. I just want to be with him again. He makes me feel so different. I don't really know. I'm honestly so in love with him."

"Well than you need to man up and go fight for that boy."

"It's harder then that though. Isn't it? I mean my life has always been harder then that. It's hard to think that all I will have to do is fight for him and make him remember everything about our relationship and how good everything was before the fight."

"Penny, let me tell you. It's totally okay. It's that easy. This isn't like whenever your brothers would mess with you all the time. This is love. And if he loves you as much as you love him, then everything will work out just fine between you two. You just have to give him the time and you have to show him what he's really missing." I leaned over and hugged my best friend.

"Thank you Britt. It means a lot to me." Penny said hugging me back as the door to my hotel room started opening again.

"I'm back! Is everything solved or do I need to leave again?" Sawyer asked as he walked back inside.

"You're fine. I'm actually going to go back to my room now. Thank you again Britain. And you two need to be safe. I bet I know why you were taking so long to answer the door." Penny winked making my cheeks heat up and Sawyers eyes to widen.

"Guys. I was kidding. Did something really happen between you two?" Penny asked raising her eyebrows.

"What! No!" Sawyer and I yelled at the same time.

"Mhm.. Anyways. I'm gonna get out of here! You two have fun. I'll see you for the mall trip in the morning!" Penny smiled brightly before skipping her way out of the hotel room, leaving me alone with Sawyer once again.

"That was interesting. Is everything okay?" Sawyer asked while walking over and sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yeah. Just Penny being sensitive. But it's okay." I replied laying back on the bed.

"Oh." Sawyer said so quiet it was almost a whisper, while laying down next to me.

We layed there, next to each other, without saying anything for a little while. It wasn't weird or anything. It was actually kind of nice just to lay there and listen to our breathing. Kind of sweet and romantic in a way.

Sawyer was the first to break the silence. "So that kiss earlier."

"Yeah. That kiss." Such a pathetic answer.

"It was pretty great. You're a really good kisser."

"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." I giggled at the awkwardness.

"I guess I'm trying to tell you something, without actually saying it. I know we've only known each other for a couple of hours, but I feel stronger for you then I have for anybody, ever. That kiss kind of really showed me that I like you more than I probably should. And maybe I'm stupid for suggesting this, but I kind of want to know what it would be like to be with you. And I don't know if you want to, but I thought I'd ask if this week, we could be together, even if it is totally crazy."

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