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"Thanks man. We'll be buy to pick them up in a couple of hours. We're still deciding whether we are going to stay at the new house or in the apartment tonight." Sawyer said into his phone as we sat in the Honda, parked in front of the apartment building. "She just found out about the house this morning, so no we have no idea what we are planning on doing with it just yet. That's part of why we were thinking about staying there." He paused again and looked in the rear view mirror. 

My brothers were passed out in the back, along with their kids, so Sawyer and I just decided to talk about things and decide if we really wanted to go through with staying at the new house, or if we wanted to stay at the apartment. I planned on waking them all up when Sawyer was finished calling his friends to find out about the air mattresses.

"She loves it. So, thanks again man. I really appreciate the discount and stuff." The house was the house that one of Sawyer's best friends grew up in and his parents sold it to Sawyer for pretty cheap when they were finished renovating it. "Okay. We'll see you in a bit. She'll be with me, so yeah, you get to meet her." Sawyer paused, "Okay bye." Sawyer hung up and looked at me. "He's got two air mattresses at his house, so Daniel said we could stop by any time to pick them up. We just need to make the final decision regarding where you want to sleep tonight."

"It might be easier just to stay at the apartment today. We can just stop by the house to take pictures to send to my mom if you're cool with that." I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

"That's fine with me. Daniel lives near the house, so we have to go down there anyway. Question is, do you want to wake your brothers up and see if they need inside the apartment, or just head over there and let everybody sleep?"

"They look so cute back there cuddled up to the kids, we should just let them sleep. I don't want to wake them up, but can you get me food? You haven't fed me yet today." 

"Alright babe, we'll grab something on the way there, we have quite the drive ahead of us again."

"Sounds like a good plan. I'm sorry you have to do so much driving today. It's too weird for me to drive here yet, I'm still not even used to seeing you drive here." 

"It's alright hun. I'll take you out in the middle of nowhere so we can try to get you used to it. Someday soon, once things get a little less crazy." 

"Okay." I smiled up at Sawyer and put my hand on his cheek. "Lets get going so that I can get you back home. I actually want sleep tonight, even though my brothers are here."

"We both need to get some sleep tonight. It feels like we haven't slept in days. Maybe we should just stay at the new house so we don't have to make the drive back tonight."

"Would you like that better? Because I'm fine with that. I don't want you to be too exhausted."

"It might be the better idea. I'm already pretty wiped out. I just want to do what you want to do and what will make you happy."

I didn't get the chance to respond because of Sawyer's phone starting to ring. 

"Hey man." Sawyer answered the phone. "Yes please, that saves us a trip." Sawyer pauses and tells me, "Daniel is going to bring us the air mattresses so that we don't have to drive all the way down here. He's on his way to his sisters a couple blocks away anyway."

"Okay." I smiled again, "Can I have the key to the apartment then? I'll go ahead and take Briston up and then come back for Reed." 

Sawyer handed me the key and I jumped out of the car, shutting my door behind me. I walked around to Sawyer's side of the vehicle and opened the door to the backseat, I grabbed Briston out of the car and reached into the third row seat to punch Rhett, waking him up. "We're staying here tonight. I'll come back and get Reed if you wake up Greg and you two get the bags."

"You sure? I can get Reed." Rhett said sleepily.

"No thank you, I don't want to be the one to carry your bags. I'm way too lazy for that. Apartment 15B"

"Alright. I'll get Greg to wake up." Rhett rubbed his eyes as I shut the car door and started carrying Briston up towards our apartment.

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