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I loved the diner. I loved Darlene. And I loved the atmosphere of London. Sawyer and I spent the whole first morning I was in London, doing the shopping and getting all his stuff done around the city, then we went and traded in his car for a bigger vehicle, the one that Sawyer wanted because he was ready to find someone, hopefully me, to settle down with. Then he took me back to his house where we sat around, watched movies, and cuddled the whole night away.

I'd been living with him for five and a half months when he decided that it was time for me to meet his family. His mom had sent a text inviting him to Christmas Eve dinner at his moms house, telling him that if he didn't bring the lady friend that he had living with him, his older sister was going to chop off his man parts, which he he needs to keep.

"So who all is going to be there tonight anyway?" I asked leaning over the bathroom counter to apply my eyeliner. 

"My mom, her husband, my two older sisters and their families, the two younger sisters, maybe two of my other sisters, Dylan, Jordan. Both sets of my grandparents should be there too. Moms brother and his family, and my childhood best friend, his wife, and their two babies." Sawyer counted off the people as he buttoned the last button on his shirt, the button on the bottom since he buttons from top to bottom instead of bottom to top.

"That's a lot of people." I put the lid back on my eyeliner and the eyeliner back into my makeup bucket.

"It'll be alright though. Cynthia and Dylan will be there! You already know them." Sawyer said coming up behind me, and putting both hands on either side of the counter that I was leaning on, and looking in my eyes in the reflection of the mirror.

A grin covered my face. "Does this mean we get to make Dylan and Cynthia feel awkward again, by our amazing dirty hints?" 

"Well of course. Just not too much PDA in front of my mom unless you want a photo book filled with pictures of us. Mom loves her pictures." Sawyer leaned down and kissed the back of my head.

"So basically, what you're saying is that no matter what, I should prepare myself for a lot of pictures, but that if we show a lot of PDA it'll be even more than a lot of pictures?" I laughed and turned around so that I was facing Sawyer, my dress getting caught on one of the knobs to a drawer.

"Exactly. We're on the same page." Sawyer laughed and kissed my nose.

"That's not too bad. Rosie and Alaina are the same way!" 

"Mom is worse then they were when I was visiting in California."

"My sisters are usually worse then  that as well. I think they were being tame in hopes of keeping my little piece of man candy around."

"I wouldn't have been scared off by pictures. I'm so in love with you, and I have been since the day I met you, that they could have done anything and I wouldn't have been scared off."

"I love you Sawyer."

"I love you too Britain." Sawyer smiled down at me, a bigger smile then I had ever seen on his face before. "We should get going soon though."

"Can I have a kiss first?" I asked with a small smile.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He said leaning down and placing a sweet, passionate kiss on my lips. "Thank you." I whispered as he pulled away.

"Don't thank me you weirdo." He laughed and grabbed my hands. "Let's get going! It's going to be such a wonderful night."


"Mom?" Sawyer yelled as he opened the door to his childhood home.

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