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"Hotel time!" Sawyer almost yelled as we walked outside of the restaurant.

"Chill out for a second Sawyer." Griffin laughed rolling his eyes.

"Britain, remember the party is tomorrow night. You and Sawyer can do whatever it is that you want to do until then." Nikki tells us as she follows Griffin out of the restaurant.

"Do I have to ride with Sawyer?" Dylan asked from beside me.

"Yes you have to ride with Sawyer to the hotel. It's only like ten miles down the road. I think you will live." Griffin tells Dylan with a straight face.

"What have you done to your little brother to make him dislike riding in the car with you so much?" I whisper to Sawyer.

"I may have a small habit with mentioning some of the embarrassing things that he does." Sawyer whispers back to me.

"Oh yeah?" I smile up at Sawyer.

"Too bad he isn't going to do anything like that in the next ten minutes. Right?" Dylan elbows Sawyer in the side.

"Oh what? You mean like mentioning your oddly long showers that you take every single night? Or the fact that you are fifteen and have never kissed the girl. Of course there is my favorite story about you. You know the one about the time you scared a girl by pushing her-" Sawyer was cut off by his little brother punching him in the stomach.

"Seriously Sawyer! Shut up! Don't make me have to tell the story about when mom walked in on you," Dylan's face was turning beat red.

"Seriously? I'm sure that every adult here has had their parents walk in on them at least once in their life. That story is nothing that I am ashamed about." Sawyer laughs and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Lordy Britain. I feel sorry for you." Penny laughs and gives me a small hug.

"Don't worry. In ten minutes Dylan will be stuck in a room with his mom and dad. Then you won't have to listen to all the stupid fighting between those two idiots anymore." Jordan smiles brightly at me. Only now, making me notice that he also has a British accent.

"By the looks of it, Britain doesn't mind the fighting very much." Nikki laughs as she begins pulling Griffin towards their car.

"Nah. Britain is one that finds arguing entertaining." Talliah pipes in.

"I mean hey. Fights are interesting. I haven't actually seen many fights sense High School though." I smile and move away from Sawyer to give my friends a hug.

"Good lord. Can we all just leave yet?" Tyler groans as he starts walking away.

"I think that's what Nikki was trying to say when she walked away from us." Brianna grins as she starts walking towards her car, with Tyler almost right behind her.

"Yeah. Let's head to the hotel." Sawyer smiles and wraps his arm around my waist again, making my skin feel like it's on fire.

"Let me get away from you two," Dylan growls before turning to stomp his way to the car, a huge frown on his face.

"Yeah. Because being stuck with you is such a pleasure." Sawyer rolls his eyes and leads me back to the car.

Sawyer opened the door for me again, and closed it behind me as I buckled my seat-belt.

"Freaking idiot." Dylan barely whispered behind me.

"Shut up Dylan. I am willing to leave your ass here if you want to be like this. I started off playing around and everything, but now you're just pissing me off. Get over whatever you have that you need to get over, and start having fun. This is out cousins wedding for Pete's sake. He doesn't want you to be a slumped over moping mess for the rest of the week." Sawyer snaps from beside me. I got a little surprised because in the few hours that I have known him, I've never heard any mean words come out of his cute little mouth.

"Leave me alone Sawyer. I just wanna get back to England."

"Well you can go back to England in a week, so man up and deal."

'Why are you such a jerk to me? I mean seriously! What did I do?"

Okay.. So it has been proven that teenage boys can be almost as dramatic as teenage girls. Why do I not remember any of the boys I used to hang out with, acting like this?

"Okay. I'm not being a jerk, you are being stupid and selfish. Don't worry though, I'll just talk to mom and dad about it when we get to the hotel in a few minutes."


"Britain, I'm sorry that you have to put up with my stupid little brother back there. I don't know what his problem has been lately. It kind of makes me feel like leaving him here in America after the wedding."

Oh yeah. I guess Sawyer will be leaving. I didn't really think about that at all.

"It's okay. It's probably just the hormones." I giggle a little as Sawyer sits his hand on my knee making the skin tingle.

I should stop feeling like this when I'm around him if he is just going to be leaving again. It would be pointless for me to start falling for him if I'm never going to see him again.

"I guess." Sawyer shrugs as he pulls into the parking lot of the hotel.

I don't say anything as I open my door and get out of the car. Suddenly my mood went from happy and bubbly to sort of sad.

Sawyer led me to our room and opened the door for me.

As he closed the door behind us, I started to get really nervous. I hadn't thought about it before, but I was about to share a hotel room with a complete stranger for an entire week.

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