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"Oh my God! Sawyer!" I screamed and let go of Kayla's hand before running and jumping on Sawyer, wrapping my legs around his waist. We're damn lucky he didn't fall backwards.

"Hey baby." He whispered in my ear, making my heart flutter.

"What are you doing here?" I asked wrapping my arms around my neck and hugging him tightly.

"I'm going to Disney Land. What's it look like?" He laughed.

"You know what I mean!" I yelled as he put me back on the ground. "You're supposed to be on a plane. On your way to England!" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I hugged him again.

"I couldn't do it." He said looking at the ground. "I watched you board your plane and I couldn't do it. I pretty much just lost it. I started crying. Then while I was waiting for my flight, I started thinking. There was no way I was going anywhere without you. So I went back to the check in desk and changed my ticket for the next flight here."

"How? Oh my God Sawyer!" I couldn't stop smiling.

"Well.. At the wedding your brothers gave me their phone numbers and told me that if I needed anything, to text them or call them. I've been texting with both of them all day. I told them about the flight change and we arranged for Tonia to pick me up from the airport while your brothers would get you ready to come here."

"How did you get here so quick?"

"My flight left about a half hour or forty-five minutes after yours." He laughed. "I was getting in the car with Tonia when you called me."

"So everybody knew about this?" I asked before standing on my tiptoes and planting a kiss on his lips. Then I turned to my brothers and their families. "You guys knew about this!?"

"Well. Yeah. Kayla was in on it too." Greg laughed as he grabbed Kayla's hand, "We were all kind of afraid that she would be the one to ruin it."

"Or mom. Mom can't keep her mouth shut." Rhett shook his head. "It's a miracle that everything worked out so well."

"Hey!" Mom yelled from behind my brothers.

"You guys are the best." My smile got even bigger.

"You deserve the best." Sawyer whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"You. You are the best." I smiled again before turning around to face him. "I can't believe you did this for me." I cuddled myself into his arms hugged him really tight. "I freaking love you Sawyer."

"I freaking love you too Brit." He leaned down to kiss me. "Now. This is my first time at Disney Land. You gotta have some fun with me."

"Absolutely." I laughed and led him to where my family was quietly waiting for us. "Are you guys ready!?"

"Yeah!" Kayla yelled, "Britain, can I have a piggy back ride?"

"Sure thing kiddo." I laughed as Greg helped her climb onto my back.

"So where too?" Tonia asked.

"I say we go to the water rides first." Rhett said with a cough.

"Does that sound good with everybody else?" Greg asked getting a nod from all the big people in our group. Then we set off. Sawyers fingers intertwined with my own.


"Where are you staying Sawyer?" My dad asks as we walk towards the Ferris Wheel.

"Well... I guess I didn't plan that far ahead. This was all a pretty last minute deal." Sawyer replied while scratching the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't holding mine.

"He's staying with me daddy." I smiled looking up at Sawyer.

"I mean, if that's okay with you sir. I could easily find a hotel close by." Sawyer stuttered out as we stopped in the line.

"No. You'll stay with us. It's alright." My dad laughed. "You need to calm down boy. I'm just an old man. I'm not going to hurt ya."

"Oh.. Well.. Uh." Sawyer stuttered again making everybody laugh.

"You're so cute." I giggled while pinching his cheeks.

"Thanks." Sawyer said blushing and looking at the ground.

"Sawyer and I are going to go get something to eat while you guys go on this." I said while eyeing the giant ride.

"We were all waiting on that one. I'm sure." Rhett rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I grumbled.

"You're a big baby." Greg laughed with Rhett.

"Oh come on being afraid of heights is completely normal." Tonia stood up for me.

"Not in this family. We are supposed to be gutless." Rhett stuck his tongue out at me like a two year old.

"Well. We'll be leaving now." I said pulling Sawyer towards the nearest food stand.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights." Sawyer commented as he walked with me.

"It's not so much the heights. A little more the idea of falling. Especially on things with the wires and stuff like that. I mean what if one got wrapped around.. Just never mind."

"Hey. You can talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking." Sawyer said leaning down to kiss me on the cheek.

"It's just one of the things that I got weird about after my sister. I mean it's fine and everything. I just don't like it. Ya know?"

"That's completely understandable." Sawyer said before we were enveloped in silence for a minute.

"Sawyer." I whispered. "Thank you so much for this."

"Don't thank me. I was thinking more about myself anyway. I just wanted to be with you. I wasn't going to be able to go to London. I needed you by my side. At least for a little bit longer."

"I seriously love you Sawyer."

"I seriously love you too Britain."

Sawyer and I ordered our snacks and found a spot to sit and eat near the Ferris wheel, that way we could watch my family while we talked.

"My mom and sisters were all so jealous that I was coming here. I can't wait until the day I can afford to bring them here for a vacation. Especially my mom."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Six. Two are married with kids, and one has kids. My mom has been through hell and back, but still managed to be the best mom she could be."

"That's sweet Saw. Are you and your mom close?"

"Yeah. She's my best friend. We're probably as close as you are with your dad. She's been my rock my whole life. I wish you would have gotten to meet her at the wedding, you two will love each other."

"If she raised you, I'm sure we will. She sure raised one amazing son."

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