Engaged and Famous

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Being engaged to Lee was amazing and crazy for Rory. She couldn't leave the apartment without being bombarded with paparazzi and reporters, all of them wanting to know the details on the wedding. One day she managed to slip out unknown to do some detail planning.

"Hello?" She answered her phone while picking up a drink from Starbucks.

"Hey baby, it's Lee."

"Oh hey darling, what's up?" She paid the lady at the counter and sat down with her coffee.

"How would you like to go to a movie premier with me?"

"And who else?"


"Which one of your friends invited you and which premier is it?"

"Well, it was Benedict Cumberbatch for the premier of his movie War Horse with Tom Hiddleston."

"Oh! Benedict and Tom! Sure! I would love to go. Which dress should I wear?"

"Um, your gold one I guess, I don't know."

"Check, gold dress it is, see you tonight babe. Love you."

"Love you too." He hung up. Great another thing to add! But it would be fun, right? Rory drove back home to get ready, time to doge paparazzi again.

That evening Rory was walking around the apartment looking for her shoe.
"Lee! Where is my other shoe?!" She called looking under the couch.

"I don't know, but can you help me with my bow tie?" He came in with a crooked and poorly tied bow. She sighed and corrected the mistake quickly.

"What would I do without you?" He kissed her forehead.

"Hmm... Walk around with crooked ties, messy hair, and chocolate on your nose. Chocolate that you're not supposed to be eating, you have a workout program for that movie and you're not following it very well." She pecked his cheek.

"True," he smiled and lifted her chin up. "And I don't eat that much chocolate."

"Lee..." She was interrupted by a kiss as he wrapped his arms around her.

"So how much chocolate do I eat?" He asked with a mocking smirk.

"Just a little bit." She pinched the air.
"That's better, oh crap. We need to get going!" He looked at his watch.

"My shoe!"

"I've got it right here!" He tossed it to her and she hobbled to put it on.

"Let's go baby." She took his arm and they walked out quickly.

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