Beautiful Mess

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Okay so don't start throwing the rocks yet. Hear me out. I didn't bring back Meeting Mr. Lee for long I know that. And now I'm going to be ending it for good. I mean it this time. I'm starting to loose the creative juices for it, and I don't want to start repeating plot themes.

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing. Everything you've done, it's so great and I appreciate it a lot! If you liked this story check out my others My Prince Charming is an Actor and I Swear I Thought I Dreamed Her


"Well Karley, it was nice to have you stay with us." Lee got her bags out of the trunk and set them down in front of her ex's parent's house.

"I'm glad someone was willing to take me in." She said readjusting Iris on her hip.

"We wish you the best Karley." Rory hugged her tightly and pinched Iris' cheeks. "You need to keep in touch, if you ever need anything. Let me know."

"I will, thank you so much." She hugged Lee tightly. "You don't know how happy this makes me." Karley grabbed her bags and started to walk up to the porch.

"Goodbye!" Rory yelled violently waving and hopping up and down.

"Bye!" Karley disappeared into the house and Rory wiped at her face.

"Are you crying baby?" Lee chuckled looking at Rory's face.

"No." She sniveled. Once, twice, three times before burying her face into Lee's chest. "I'm gonna miss her, it was nice to have another girl in the house."

"Well you have Skipper back there." Lee motioned to the sleeping form of Skylar as he got in the car.

"Skipper? How did you come up with that?"

"Well her name is Skylar Pace so I just took the 'Sky' from Skylar and added the 'P' from Pace. You get Skipper. Boom, instant nickname. I'm a genius. Hashtag get on my level."

"Did you just hashtag?" Rory blankly stared at him.

"Yep, I'm starting to regret it now. I don't even know why I did it!"

"You're such a dork Lee"

"But you love me so that makes it okay." He grinned at her.

"Living up to your middle name are we?" She pecked his cheek.

"I wasn't named it for nothing cutie." He winked as they pulled into the driveway.

"I love you and Skylar so much." Rory leaned in close.

"I love you and Skylar more than you love Skylar and me."

"Skylar and I."

"Whatever." Lee cupped her face and kissed her deeply, Rory giggled into the kiss.

Life was perfect for her, no longer stuck waiting for interviews with actors that would forget her name. Now she had met Mr. Lee, no one would forget her.

Meeting Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now