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A young blonde girl rushed through the hallways, her coral heels tapping against the cold tile.

"Rory! You're due for room 2a in 10 minutes." A dark haired man with a microphone over his head yelled.

"Okay! Thanks Tim!" She called over her shoulder. This was a "surprise interview" as her boss said. The questions we're already typed out and she had no clue who she was interviewing.

"I guess I'll go ahead and grab a snack before I go in." She walked down to the food table and grabbed a cookie and a bottle of water.

Munching on her cookie she checked her Facebook feed and looked on Pinterest for a while.

"Hey Rory! It's time!" Tim yelled.

"Thanks." She gave him a cheery smile and a little wave in response.

"Good luck!" He gave her a smile.

Taking a deep breath she straightened her grey jacket and pushed stray strands of hair out of her eyes. Rory opened the door, she couldn't see the actor because he was turned away from her but she could tell it was a man. He had blondish brown hair and broad shoulders.

"Hello!" He said turning to face her.

Aurora almost hit the floor in surprise, it wasn't just some actor, it was the total hunk of beautifully awkward man Lee Pace. "Hello, Mr. Pace, my name is Aurora Garret." She shook his hand trying not to shake from excitement.

"Oh please, call me Lee, Miss Aurora." He gave her a toothy smile and twinkling green eyes.

"Alright Lee, you can call me Rory." She sat across from him and pulled out her little clipboard of questions.

"Rory... Interesting nickname." His tongue darted out over his lip. Aurora's gaze was caught by the movement but she tried to not focus on it too much.

"My brother Christian came up with it." She cleared her throat.

"Siblings are always good about finding a quirky nickname," Lee chuckled like his sentence was a nickname in of itself. "Are we ready?"

"I'd say so!" Rory began her interview.

It felt amazing to be so close to this man, his whole personality radiated in such a way that you felt like he was hugging you without even touching you. She hoped with everything  in her that he would do something unusual like some of the other actors have done and kiss her cheek or something.

She had her little crazy stories, but being kissed by Lee Pace would be insane. None of her friends would believe it, but also they didn't believe that Chris Pratt can braid hair.

"I've had a great time here today but we've reached the end of our segment."

"So soon? I was really enjoying myself." He said looking up at Jonathan in the eyes.

Meeting Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now