A New Pace

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"So, the press has been buzzing about a new Pace baby! Do you know what the gender is yet?" A reporter asked and the cameras panned to Lee.

"We do, but we're keeping it secret until the baby is born." Lee grinned as the reporter gave him a disappointed look.

"Okay, then do you have a name for this new baby?"

"Yes, but I can only give out the initials, Rory is very set on keeping this all a secret. Even Skylar doesn't know." He laughed and the reporter gave him a look begging for more. "They're RWP."

"Ooh, well I'm sure all the fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the baby, I know I am. Now that's all the time I have for this so I'll tell you goodbye now. I think I'm your last interview of the day actually!" The girl straightened out her yellow dress and shook his hand. "It was very nice meeting you Mr. Pace."

"Nice to meet you too Natalie, have a nice day." He called and his phone buzzed in his back pocket.

"Hey baby." He smiled getting up from the chair and making his way out of the room.

"Hey Lee. I had a question for Richard's room."


"Do you want his whole name of Richard spelled out on the wall like Skylar's old room. Or do you want his initials?"

"It doesn't matter to me, I like both."

"I do too and that's the problem, everyone I've asked likes both."

"And everyone would be, me, your mom, and my mom right?"

"Add your sister and bingo."

"There's your problem, you've asked too many Pace's. We Pace's are rather indecisive, especially the females. What you need to do is ask Richard. I mean he is the kids godfather and he isn't a Pace." Lee laughed getting in his car.

"Now why didn't I think of that?!" Rory laughed. "I'll see you when you get home."

"See you, I love you Rory."

"I love you too."

Lee turned up the radio and sang along to it, playing the drums on his steering wheel. A new baby boy and a new movie coming out. Things were looking up.


Its short I know, but I'm about to leave to go babysit and then I'm spending the night at a friends house so this is the only updating I can do until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Anywho!

Richard Armitage is Skylar and Richard's godfather! Yay! So cute. And the new Pace baby's full name is Richard William Pace.

Love you guys!


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