Can't Forget You

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The next day Lee woke up with a weird feeling in his gut. His mind instantly went to Aurora. He grabbed his phone and called his agent.

"Hey, yeah it's Lee. Do you have anyway to contact that girl that interviewed me yesterday?"

"Which one?"

"Uh... Aurora, Aurora Garret." He smiled thinking about her nickname.

"Oh yeah! Here she is! Why do you want her contact?"

"I just wanted to know."

"Uh huh... So you want her phone number or what?" His agent sounded skeptical, figuring something was going on with Lee.

"I guess her number. Thanks." Lee rubbed his forehead.

"No problem, I'll text it to you."

Lee hung up and sighed. He wanted to get to know the infatuating girl better. Her steel blue eyes and bright blonde hair burned in his memory. She definitely was pretty, but she was also more than that. She was, simple, that was it. She was so simple she was complex. Lee smiled thinking back to the interview, she was so light hearted and open to just about anything.

His phone notified him that he had a text with her number on it. He texted the number hesitantly, not wanting to sound like a doofus.

'Hello Rory! It's Lee, I wanted to know if you wanted to grab some dinner tonight?'

'Sure! What time are you picking me up? Or do you wanna meet?' She replied in a few minutes.

Lee blew out his breath relieved that she answered.

'I'll pick you up. How about 7?'

'I can't do 7. How about 7:30?'

'Okay, I'm completely free today.'

'Great! See you tonight'

'See ya!'

He flopped back onto his bed. Lee stared up at the ceiling his fingers tapping on his chest.

"Let's see, it's 12:00 so I've got basically all day to get ready. Perfect." He jumped up and got dressed.


By the time 7:30 rolled around Rory was dressed and finishing up her makeup.

"Oh that must be Lee." She said to herself when she heard knocking on the door.

"Hello! Wow! You look nice!" He said holding a bouquet of roses.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." She winked. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a braided bun with small curls around her face, a white flower crown rested in it. Aurora wore a yellow strapless dress with large white flowers, black heels, and a small yellow clutch.

"These are for you." He handed her the roses and smiled.

"Aw, thank you Lee. You didn't have to do that though." She walked off to the kitchen to put them in water.

"I wanted to."

"Well you're quite the gentleman." She smiled at him from over her shoulder.

"Well thank you m'lady. Are you ready for the extravaganza?"

"Extravaganza? Wow, I'm starting to feel like royalty!" Rory joked.

"You're pretty enough to be it." He kissed her hand tenderly. She blushed deeply.

Their hands interlocked as they walked down the sidewalk. It felt natural for them to be together, laughing and talking like old friends.

Aurora had been wary to accept his date offer due to the paparazzi, but he was so charming. And, he was a celebrity, not many could say that they've met him, much less gone on a date with him.

This was like history in the making for her. She glanced over at him as he told a story from his early acting days. His face wrinkled up from a brilliant smile and an infectious laugh.

He went quiet and Aurora enjoyed it. Silence was golden, comfortable, desirable in fact. She felt safe with him, it was something she hadn't felt in a while.

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