Say Geronimo

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"Are you ready for it?" Lee asked.

Rory shook her head, she was biting her bottom lip hard. "No, no," she panted.

"Are you sure?" He raised one fuzzy eyebrow.

"Mmm, yes." She hummed

"Alright." A devilish grin on his face.

"No wait, Lee stop."

"Too late!" He yelled pushing her into the pool.

She yelped and flailed her arms wildly before making impact with the blue water. Lee dove in after her and swam to where she was treading water.

"Say Geronimo?" He shook his head, small water droplets flying everywhere.

"You're a jerk." She splashed a handful or two of water at him.

"You wanted it. So I gave it to you." He laughed wiping off his face.

"Still a jerk." She got out of the pool, water falling off in ripples from her black and white striped swimsuit, a bright red bow at the chest. Lee followed her, his red trunks clinging to his long legs.

Rory gasped and flapped her arms like a little bird.

"What? You won't fly away." Lee looked at her side ways.

"No wait Lee! Fever is playing!"

It was in fact Fever by Alvin Robinson playing on their stereo at the pool. Rory started to swing her hips in time to the music, her feet making small steps to a once person dance. Lee smiled watching her for a few minutes.

"Come on and join me!" She laughed, Lee's large hands held her waist as the two of them danced back to front to the jazz song. At the end of the song Lee spun her around. "That song is awesome. You sang it well in Soldier's Girl." Rory winked.

"That wasn't me." He laughed. "That was a recording, I was just acting."

"Well, you still rocked that dress, what was that a size 4?"

"Hilarious. It was actually an 8 thank you very much. And the shoes hurt my feet." He wrapped himself in a grey towel and rubbed the side of his nose with a corner.

"Oh you poor baby." Rory patted his face lovingly.

"They did! Heels hurt!"

"I know dear,"

"I have a high appreciation for what you do to look nice now."

"Well thank you dear, I appreciate the appreciation." Rory walked back into the cool house. "Can I ask you something Lee?"

"First of all, you just did, second of all yes, you can always ask me something." Lee sat on the wooden rocking chair in the master bedroom still wrapped in his towel.

"Don't be a smarty butt." She warned walking into the bathroom and changing into a pair of shorts and t-shirt.

"Okay," he held up his hands in defense. "But what's the question?" Lee grabbed a pair of black gym shorts from his drawer and changed in the bathroom as soon as Rory emerged.

"Well, how much did you like that small room at the end of the hall across from Skylar's room?" Rory started to French braid her wet hair. Lee came out of the bathroom with a quizzical look.

"What did you have in mind for it?" He sat on the bed rubbing at his wet hair with the towel.

"Well I'm thinking of repainting it and maybe putting some furniture in it."

"Okay that sounds good, we're not really using it anyways. What color do you want?"

"Light blue or light pink, I'm not sure yet." Rory smiled down at her stomach.

"Light blue or pink.... WAIT. You're? No way! No way!" Lee jumped up and grabbed Rory's waist.


"That's, that's fantastic!" He yelled. "Watch out world! The Pace family is growing by 1 more!"

"Lee you're such a nut." Rory laughed placing her hands on his biceps.

"But a good nut, like a cashew."

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