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Moment - Nate Ruess


Year: 2037

"Breaking news today, actor Lee Pace was put in the hospital today after a heart attack at his home in New York City. This is just a few weeks after his 61st birthday. He was transported to the hospital where doctors will be keeping an eye on him for a few days."

"I don't seem to hit national news unless there's something big and dramatic." Lee chuckled from his hospital bed.

"Well that's the news for you. Always wanting the big picture of the latest crisis." Richard sat next to his dad watching the small TV screen.

"Your mom would agree on me being a crisis." Lee laughed.

"What was Mom like?" Richard asked running his hands through his long blonde hair.

"Rory? She was amazing. She had such a heart for helping, it was like she couldn't go past someone without helping them in some way. She always smiled and saw the good of things. She adored you." Lee grabbed Richard's hand. "When you were born, all she could talk about was how small you were. I actually was the one to deliver you."

"You what?"

"I delivered you!" Lee grinned, very proud of himself.

"I need to hear this story." Richard scooted his chair closer and leaned in to get all the juicy tidbits.

"Well, it was just a few days past your mother's due date and we were walking around the park with your godfather Richard. Suddenly you decided it was time for you to make your appearance in the world, you never were one for good timing.

So we all got in the car as fast as we could and started towards the hospital. But the traffic was so bad and you were so impatient on getting here that we had to pull over into an abandoned parking lot.

Uncle Richard stood off to the side with Skylar as I delivered you in the backseat of the car. I honestly thought he was going to be sick." Lee smiled.

"And then you guys went to the hospital?" Richard was smiling brightly at the amazing story, of his father's heroic medical skills.

"No we, dropped you off with a wolf pack and let them raise you, and then when you turned 16 we took you back and wiped your memory replacing it with all the stuff you remember now."

"Sass levels Dad. Watch them."

"Hey I'm sick, and I'm your dad. I can be sassy." Lee laughed and the laughs turned into breathless coughs.

"Dad? Dad! Are you okay!? I'll go get some help!" Richard rushed out of the room to the nurses station. "Can I get someone in here please?" He tapped the desk frantically.

Nurses and doctors rushed in to help Lee. The steady beat of the heart monitor started slowing and Richard paced the floor. This couldn't be happening.

"We're loosing him!" One nurse shouted.

"Do something!" Richard yelled.

"Please sir, just calm down. We will take care of your father." A nurse came in with a defibrillator.


Lee's body jolted. The beeping spiked for a minute but slowed again.


The reaction wasn't enough. Richard felt tears prickling his eyes. He couldn't handle this.

"One more time. Clear!" The doctor called out. Again Lee's body jolted with the electricity being shot through him.

No response this time, just a flat line.

"Oh my- no!" Richard sat on the couch and his leg started to bounce as the tears fell.

"I'm sorry Mr. Pace." The doctor approached the distressed 22 year old. "There was really nothing more we could've done."

"I understand. Can I have a moment with my dad?"

"Sure." The doctor cleared everyone else out of the room.

"Bye Dad, you'll be back with Mom again so I know that you'll be the happiest. There was a reason why you didn't remarry. No one else could take her place. I only hope that one day I can find someone the way you found Mom." Richard pressed a short kiss to his dad's forehead.

When the media got ahold of the death of Lee Pace, the whole world mourned. Fans everywhere were destroyed by the news. Lee always thought that after a while his fans would fade away. But in this one moment, they came together as a family to remember the man who changed their life forever.

Lee Grinner Pace, the hottest dork from Oklahoma. Just a small town boy that made it big and rocked a world of people. He would always be held up in the highest of honor with fans.


And now with the putting down of the great Lee Pace, I declare this fanfic completed for real this time.

Thank you guys so frickin much. All of you are awesome and your comments make my day.

I wanted to make sure this fanfic ended in a way that showed how much Lee means to us, for some he saved their life by showing us that there's more to live for. Others he just broke our shells of protection from adventure. Whatever he's done for us, he is a very special man to all of the Pacers and that will never die.

Comment your favorite Lee Pace quote, interview moment, movie, TV show, or something that he has inadvertently done for you.

I'd love to hear your stories about this adorkable human.

My favorite Lee Pace things are:

Quote: "There's going to be a time soon where I feel really sad I won't fly into New Zealand again to enter into Middle-earth and play this extraordinary character and look across at Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey..."

Movie: The Hobbit trilogy (duh) and/or Guardians of the Galaxy

Interview moment: ScreenSlam's Guardians of the Galaxy Behind the Scenes Interview, where he goes into a sort of fanboy mode about his character Ronan. It's just so cute.

TV show: Pushing Daisies hands down.

Something he has done for me: He's shown me that it's really okay to be weird and different, that you should dare to change the world without changing yourself.

Again I love you guys so so much! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!


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