Daisies, Dudes, and Dear Dads

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"Hey Lee did you see that large white envelope I sat on the counter?" Rory asked her boyfriend who was sprawled across the couch reading a script.

"Nope." He said never taking his eyes off of the paper before him.

"It was a letter from my dad and I haven't gotten to read it yet." She searched all over.

"Your dad?" Lee sat up interested. "I thought you said that he abandoned you and your mom."

"Well kinda, turns out it was more Mom's fault than Dad's that they got divorced." Rory sat down next to Lee's feet disappointed that she couldn't find the letter.

"Oh okay. I'm sorry you can't find the letter." He ruffled her hair.

"I wonder what I look like in your eyes." Rory said after a long pause.


"Like when you look at me what do you see?"

"A very beautiful woman."

"No I mean like of my personality, or what physical trait do you notice first?"

"Well.. I see a quiet, reserved, bookish, intelligent, but geeky young girl. A great heart for others and high regard for those in need. And physical trait? Your eyes, or your vibrant smile." He said looking her over.

"My smile? Wow."


"I was expecting something much more, well I don't know, goofy I guess. Like my ears or nose."

"Well you do have a cute nose now that you mention it." Lee bopped her on the nose and brought her into his warm side. His muscular arm draped over her small shoulders, he kissed the top of her head and she laid it on his shoulder.

"Chocolate..." She whispered in his ear.

"Check." He hopped up and fixed his
shirt. Rory pointed her foot and bumped him in the back.

"Oh I'm sorry... Did I bump you?" She asked with an innocent face.

"Come here girly!" He grabbed her and pushed her to where she was laying on the couch.

"No fair you're stronger and bigger than me. I can't escape you!" She said with a pouty face. He straddled her middle to hold her down more.

"Uh huh. So that means I can get more of these!" He pecked her neck and face with kisses.

"Lee!!" Rory squirmed laughing.

"What? Don't you like to kiss?" He asked with a innocent inclination in his voice.

"I do! But you're smothering me!" She laughed.

"Well I'm just showing you how much I love you." He kissed her, cupping her face.

"Well I love you too, but I need chocolate."

"Oh right chocolate. Why did you distract me from my job?" He asked standing up with a fake grumpy face trying to fight the smile.

"Cause I love you."

"You mean you love to mess with me." He put his hands on his hips.

"I meant something like that." She stood up on the couch bringing her eye to we with him.

"Well then tell me what you really meant." She brought her face closer to his.

"I meant get me chocolate." She whispered in his ear and popped him on the side. "Now get!"

"Aye aye captain!" He saluted her playfully. He brought back a chocolate bar with daisies printed on the wrapper.

"You're addicted to chocolate aren't you?" He took the wrapper from her.

"No, I'm only addicted to the way I feel when I'm with you." She took a big bite of chocolate.

Lee was now standing in the kitchen doing something out of Rory's line of sight. He came back with his hands behind his back.

"What is behind your back?" She tried craning her neck to look around him.

"This." He handed her a cut out of one of the daisies from the chocolate wrapper. Written on it was 'I love talking, laughing, and being with you. It changes my whole mood. And I love you.'

"Thank you dear." She said kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome." He wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug.

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