Richard & Richard

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Rory lay sprawled across the bed, her belly swollen with little Richard inhabiting the space.

"How are you feeling?" Lee asked sitting on the bed beside her.

"Not too good, Richard is dancing all over my organs and it feels like I'm grapes being turned into wine."

"He's an active little boy." Lee placed his hand over the womb and felt a little fist punch his hand. "Hey buddy. How would you like your Uncle Richard to come over?" Lee whispered to the small baby growing inside.

"I think that's a good idea Lee." Rory turned her head to look at him.

"Of course it is, I came up with it."

Rory rolled her eyes and Lee sniggered uncontrollably.


"Uncle Richard!" Came a shriek from Skylar as the front door opened and the dark haired English man walked through.

"Hello Skylar!" He scooped up the little girl and showered her with kisses.

"Your beard is scratchy." Skylar giggled rubbing her face.

"No it's not!" He laughed rubbing his beard on her face again, an eruption of laughter came from the little girl.

Rory and Lee walked in, Rory more waddling than walking. Her hand placed firmly on her back, Richard was carrying very heavy on her and she felt like more like an elephant with him than when she had Skylar.

"Hello Rory!" Richard yelled rushing over to hug her. "How is my favorite technical sister-in-law?"

"She's very good." Rory laughed hugging him back.

"And how is the little sport?" He kneeled in front of Richard. "May I?" His hands hovered over her belly expectantly.

"He is your godson after all."

Richards hands flew to her belly feeling all the excited kicks and punches of the baby boy.

"How're you doing buddy? Getting uncomfortable in there yet?"

"Hopefully he will be soon. This is brutal. I wonder if all boys like to beat up their moms innards?"

"I'm starting to loose my great skills of patience." Lee joked. "This guy is slow."

"Lee, you've never had patience." Rory said and Richard was quick to agree.

"Everyone is ganging up on me now! Skylar come help protect me!"

Skylar ran over and hugged Richard's legs.

"No! I'm on Uncle Richard's team!" She looked up at him with wide eyed exuberance.

"What is that saying? Out of the mouth of babes?" Richard patted her back.

"Shut up." Lee punched his shoulder playfully.

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