You're Lee Pace.... But Who Are You?!

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Lee and Rory walked along the sidewalk hand in hand. The fall leaves floated to the damp cement and the crisp early December air whipped around them. She gazed up at his laughing face and bright smile.

"I'm so crazy in love with you." She said kissing his cheek.

"Hey! You stole my line!" He kissed her forehead and she giggled. They stopped in front of a pet shop and looked at the puppies and kittens running around.

"Lee look at this one!" Rory pointed to a husky puppy with one blue eye and one brown eye. "He's adorable!" She squealed.

"He is a cute little fella." Lee tapped the glass and played with it.

"I hate to ask this of you because it's totally cliche but can we get him?"

"Maybe, if you're a very very good girl this year then Santa might bring it to you." He kissed her smiling and her hand rested on his face. He melted into it and leaned towards her hand, his hair brushing against her skin tickling her. They broke the kiss and continued to walk, pointing at different sights around them and catching the others gaze every once in a while.

"Hey Rory I'm going to go get a coffee. You want one?"

"Sure. I'll wait out here for you babe."

"Okay." He smiled and stepped inside the small coffee house. He came out and two young teen girls approached the couple.

"Hey aren't you Lee Pace?!" They asked excitedly.

"Yes I am. What can I do for you girls?"
He asked with his warmest smile and the utmost politeness.

"Can I get your autograph?" The first one asked shaking with excitement.

"And a picture!" The other one chimed in.

"Sure! What are your names?"
"I'm Elsie and this is my best friend Christy." Elsie said rather loudly.

"Nice to meet you girls." He shook their hands.

"Can I just say that you're way hotter in person?" Christy said with a huge smile.

"Um.. Thanks I guess." He said clearing his throat.

"Hey lady can you take our pictures?!" Elsie asked Rory shoving two phones into her hands.

"Sure! Okay... 1....2...3..." Rory said with a smile. She stood back next to Lee and he wrapped his arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulders.

"You're Lee Pace... But who are you?!" Christy asked with disgust.

"Yeah who do you think you are hanging all over him like that!?" Elsie scolded with furrowed brows.

"I'm um..." Rory stammered unsure if Lee had made their relationship public.

"This is Aurora Garret, my girlfriend." He said introducing them. Elsie and Christy looked hurt that he should have a girlfriend.

"Well, I thought that you had better taste in women." Elsie said walking off with Christy.

"What did they mean by that?" Rory asked Lee as soon as the two rude girls we're out of earshot.

"Those are from the rude side of Fangirls. It's quite sad to see them cut people down with their words at big events." Lee said with big sad eyes remembering the bad run in's he had with those type of people.

"That's horrible."

"Yep, but thankfully. Most Fangirls are very polite and are extremely sweet. Every once in a while you get a rotten apple."

"Lee those weren't rotten apples those were decomposed 40 years apples." She said watching the two girls walk off, Lee laughed at her.


"Nothing, I'm just very glad I met you."

"Oh I thought you would've had a better taste in women."

"I think I have excellent taste!" He kissed her lightly.

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