Are You Okay?

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Rory lay sprawled out on her bed moaning. Lee popped his head into the room.

"You okay?" He asked with concern, his grey t shirt had ink spots on it and a few coffee spills.

"No." Rory rolled into a ball.

"What's the matter darling?" He sat next to her and stroked her hair.

"It feels like a fat man is sitting on my uterus. I have the sudden urge to murder somebody but I also want food."

"I'm sorry baby. Please don't murder me and what kind of food do you want?" Lee held her in his arms now as he leaned against the headboard.

"You're such a good boyfriend." She smiled and patted his face.

"I try." He kissed her forehead lightly.

"Oh and I want Mac & Cheese, Moe's, and anything from a Chinese restaurant."

"Quite the variety there." He said with a smile. "I'll go get it for you. Here let me carry you to the couch and then I'll be back as soon as possible." He picked her up bridal style and laid her on the couch.

"Oh and don't for get soda! Lots and lots of it." She called after him.


Soon Lee came back with the order and laid it out for her on the coffee table.

"Now I'm making the Mac & Cheese now so it may be a while but I thought you could eat the other stuff first." He popped open the lid on a bottle of Coke and handed it to her.

"How did I get so lucky to have a man like you?" She asked taking a bit of Kung Pao shrimp.

"I don't know, how did I get so lucky to have a girl like you?" He leaned on the counter and watched her. She wore black Nike sweatpants, a blue tank top, and her hair sat, unbrushed, in a mess on her head. She was beautiful, even while she stuffed her face with food and soda. He walked over to the couch and sat next to her.

"Would you be totally okay if I grabbed your face and kissed it just now? Or is that a no no in this relationship?"

"Baby, whenever you feel like doing that. Do it."





"Okay then." He grabbed Rory's face and pulled her in for a kiss. She leaned forward to where she would sit on her knees.

"Wow..." She breathed.

"You said anytime and anywhere."

"Yeah but I didn't know you meant now!"

"Well did you regret it?"

"Heck no!" She snuggled up next to him.

"Are you feeling better?"

"No I still feel horrible."

"Well is there anything I can do for you that could make you feel better?"

"Yes." She sat up and looked at him.

"And that would be....?"

"Take off your shirt, let me snuggle with you, and let's watch Disney movies. While I eat Mac & cheese of course."

"Oh of course. Wait, why do you want my shirt off?"

"Cause you have fantastic abs and they make me feel happy." She said with a shrug.

"Okay... You're starting to sound like a Fangirl." He grabbed his shirt from the back and pulled it over his head, the soft fabric rustled his hair and it fell in his face.

"Darling let's get one thing straight. I am a fangirl. But I still respect the fangirls you meet at Comicon and such even though they all dream of marrying and dating you."

"True. Now which Disney movie do you want to watch?"

"Ummm... Indiana Jones."


"Indiana Jones didn't you hear me?"

"Yeah I did... But... Oh nevermind lets just snuggle now cause I'm getting cold." He sat down and Rory crawled up into his lap and laid her head on his now bare chest.

"Now remember we're two crazy people in love and you're allowed to grab my face and kiss me at anytime." Rory whispered her breath tickling Lee's neck.

"Can i just follow what my heart desires? When I let it lead it takes me to you." He kissed the top of her head.

"You got that from a book didn't you?"


"Lee, now tell the truth." She sat back and playfully glared at him.

"I didn't..." He said fighting a smile.

"Lee Grinner Pace! You better tell the truth!"

"Okay okay! I heard it somewhere in some song. I've confessed now. Can we watch the movie?"

"I guess so. You big goof."

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