Setting Things Straight

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"Now Karley, why don't you tell us about this?" Lee sat next to the frail girl who was shivering with emotion. Rory watched as a fatherly demeanor came about him as he comforted her.

"I went and hung out with this guy. He was a senior, I'm a sophomore. We partied, he had a few drinks and things went too far..... I told my parents about it, and his parents. He hates me, my parents kicked me out, and his parents are accepting me but he doesn't want me near them." Karley said glad to get if off her chest.

"And are you keeping it?" Rory asked worried.

"Oh of course. I wouldn't want to give up my baby for anything." Karley had a defensive look on her face as if Rory was taking the baby.

"Well that's good that you made the decision. How far along are you?" Lee was trying to figure out what to do with this girl. He couldn't just leave her all alone.

"She's due in February. I'm three months along." Karley smiled. "Her name will be Iris Rose."

"That's a beautiful name." Rory was kind and all smiles for the girl who was coming out of her shell now.

"So, you have nowhere to go with this baby, right?"

"Right." Karley picked at the muffin crumbs on her plate

"Rory, do you think we could have room for two more?"

"I think so, we've got two guest rooms and the kids can share if need be." Rory got excited at the idea of someone new coming in.

"Oh no, I couldn't do that." Karley protested.

"Come on! It's a free home." Lee encouraged.

"Okay, until the baby is born and I can make some contact with his parents."

"That sounds great. How about we head home and get you settled in?" Lee got up helping Rory to stand.

"Sounds great. Thank you." Karley hugged Lee tightly.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

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