Shirtless Snuggles

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Rory stared at Lee with her mouth open.

"What?" He asked setting the cake plate behind him and licking the chocolate icing off of his fingers.

"You need to put on a shirt, it's distracting." She set down the mail she had just gotten.

"Well I'm about to get a shower but I remembered that there was chocolate cake and got sidetracked."

"You missed some icing."


"Your nose." She wiped it off the tip of his nose with her finger.

"And now what are you going to do with it?" He crossed his arms.

"Well I'm not going to eat it if that's what you're thinking." She rinsed off her finger in the sink. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

"Ew! No! Let me go!" She shrieked.


"Yeah you're all smelly and is that sweat?" She pointed to his chest.

"Maybe, I did work out earlier this morning."

"Gross! Now I'm covered in your sweat, that's disgusting!"

"Now I'm insulted, my own girlfriend doesn't want to be covered in my sweat." He fought a smile and put on a fake grumpy face.

"You big baby, go take a shower and then I'll snuggle with you."

"So picky," he tsked as he walked to the bathroom.

He came out with a bathrobe on and he was using a towel to dry his hair.

"You keep showing up with wet hair, you're going to catch a cold." She looked away from the TV.

"Are you watching Peaky Blinders without me?!"

"It's an episode we've already seen, and don't act like you don't watch episodes of Numb3rs when I'm not home."

"Caught me red handed." He flopped down next to her.

"Um, aren't you going to get dressed?" She asked looking at his bathrobe. "You're not single anymore buddy, put some clothes on."

"Oh that's right, I have you don't I? Yeah I remember now, we're dating, and you, you live in my 15th story apartment don't you! My gosh you're right I'm no longer single!" He said with sarcastic horror.

"You're so funny Lee."

"Thank you, thank you." He bowed and grabbed a nearby vase. "I would like to accept this award for not being single and thank my lovely girlfriend for always being there for me. And hopefully, she always will." He set down the vase, threw his towel to the side, and peeled off his bathrobe revealing a suit. "Will you, Aurora Garret become Aurora Pace?" He got down on one knee in front of her. She gasped and covered her mouth as tears spilled from her eyes.

"Yes Lee, I will, I would love to." She threw her arms around his neck.

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