Kiss and Makeup

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Lee rubbed his temples and sighed while he sat at his desk, his feet tapping.

"What's the matter darling?" Rory asked wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"Nothing." He said shortly and shrugged her arms off of him.

"Okay, well I'm sorry babe." She kissed the top of his head and walked off.

"I said nothing was wrong!" Lee's voice raised.

"Okay, and I said sorry."

"Why?! You didn't do anything!" His voiced raised again.

"I don't know I just said sorry."

"Well then stop! Just stop apologizing for every little thing!" Lee yelled his face turning red.

"Lee darling, just sit down it will be okay. You're just having a bad day." She went to walk him to the chair.

"I am not having a bad mood! I'm perfectly fine!" He continued to shout.

The more he shouted the closer Rory got to tears. Lee waved his hands in the air and rambled on. Rory's eyes spilled forth hot tears that poured down her face.

"No don't! It wasn't my fault! Mom help me!" She yelled falling to the floor sobbing and cowering down. Lee stopped and looked at her.

"Rory? Are you okay?" He kneeled next to hear when he realized that he had been overreacting.

"Please don't let him hit me again." She sobbed into his shoulder.

"Did I hit you Rory?!" He asked frantically checking her for wounds. She lifted her face from his shoulder and looked at him.

"Oh Lee! It's you!" She threw her arms around him and cried some more. Scooping her up he carried her to the bed and laid her down. She clung to him tightly so he had to lay down next to her.

"Now, you're all calmed down. Why don't you tell me from the beginning?" He asked stroking her hair and murmuring softly.

"My parents were divorced when I was 8 years old." Rory sighed and curled up next to his chest as both her and Lee lay on their sides. "Soon after mom starting dating guys. They were abusive to me, and they would beat me often. Mom didn't care, she was often right there with them shouting at me. And when you started to shout I just remembered..." Her voice trailed off as another sob over took her.

"I'm sorry Rory... I didn't know." He pulled her in closer to him.

"It's okay, I didn't tell you." She sniffled. "One of your hugs would be nice right now." Rory whispered biting her lip. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her close. He kissed her forehead and squeezed her tight.

"I am so so sorry. There isn't much else that I can say is there?" He asked looking at her. She nodded no and sighed through her nose. "I love you Aurora Garret. And I hope you love me."

"I do love you Lee Pace." She kissed his Adam's apple and snuggled in where she was warmest. The couple fell asleep in each others embraces.

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