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DEMI P.O.V.: after Joe and I arrived to his house, he gestured to the couch.

Joe: you wanna be there or in bed?

Demi: wherever you want babe (he smiled slightly and took my hand)

Joe: okay, come with me (we walked silently to his bedroom and laid together under the covers)

Demi: you told me you wanted to talk about something...what was it?

Joe: I've been talking with Nick, asking for some advice and that's kind of the reason why I wanna talk with you. It's more like a need, you know? (I glanced at him as I rested my body in my elbows and he sighed)

Demi: what's going on Joey? You know you can tell me anything

Joe: yes, I know it (he caressed my cheek). I'm sorry if I've been a little weird lately. Ever after we went public and got the news about the baby, I don't know...I think I've been kind of...upset (I nodded understanding his thoughts)

Demi: let's go one topic at a time. I know you read the text Chloe sent me, and the fans comments hating on us...I just really want you to know that I don't give a fuck about their opinions on our relationship. I love you and that's all I care about

Joe: but they're right when they say I broke you the last time we were together and...I just don't want to break your heart...ever

Demi: then, that's it. If you don't wanna do it, you simply won't (he half smiled and I ran my hand down his soft cheek) babe, I can't care less about the rest of the world

Joe: you're gonna lose friends and fans if you stay with me (I shrugged)

Demi: then, they aren't real friends and fans of mine. If they were, they would support my choices. Like, they need to understand if I'm with you again is not because I'm still the same Demi I was. We both changed for the better and the relationship we're building is completely different to the one we had back in 2010. I trusted you before, imagine now...I'm currently living the healthiest relationship of my life and I don't care if they like or support us but I love this and you, and everything we're doing together. This is my life, if they love me, they should be on my side (he nodded slowly)

Joe: what would happen if you ever regret choosing me over your friends?

Demi: hey, I would never ever regret choosing you over them. You're my love, my whole fucking world. I'd never regret you...I swear it (he smiled with teary eyes and I sighed). There's another thing we have to talk through...I know we haven't really been connected ever since we got the news about the baby. I just wanna share all my deepest thoughts and fears with you during this hard time, and I want you to do it with me, too. We're together in this and...we can't let this drift us apart when we're supposed to be each other's rock

Joe: would you have resentment for me if our baby can't make it?

Demi: why would I? It would be no one's fault. Believe me Joe, this scares the hell out of ne, but I've been reading and learning and I think we can do it. God will be on our side, I just feel it in my heart

Joe: I'm not that religious (I chuckled and shook my head)

Demi: if you let me, I can help you back to the church or religion. It's really helpful in moments like the one we're going through (he smiled slightly and pecked my lips)

Joe: we'll do this together, I promise I won't give up on us...ever

Demi: me neither. But there's actually something I've been thinking and I- need to know this

Joe: spit it out, what is it? (He asked putting a lock of hair behind my ear)

Demi: if we can't make it...will you still stay with me? (I asked in an almost whisper and he chowed down on his lip with teary eyes before nodding slowly)

Joe: I loved you before we knew about the baby...and if there's no baby in the future, I'll still love you as much as I do now. Of course I'll stay with you. I'm stuck with you forever

Demi: isn't forever too long? (He chuckled and pulled me closer to his face by the back of my neck until our lips were inches apart)

Joe: forever's too short when it comes about loving you

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now