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DEMI P.O.V.: around 13 p.m. we reunited with Miley and Nick in the dinning room. She smiled at me.

Miley: you never talked to me the other day

Demi: oh yea, that...sorry (she shook her head and glanced at Nick)

Miley: we're gonna serve the food and you guys can wait here (Joe glanced at me and I shrugged) you, come with me...we need to talk

We were in Nick's kitchen when she grabbed my arm.

Miley: you're so dating him

Demi: what? I'm not

Miley: sure?

Demi: sure, you can see us during lunch and then decide

Miley: okay, whatever...how's that going?

Demi: pretty good even tho- (I chuckled) we had the greatest scare today

Miley: what happened?

Demi: I'm late (her eyes opened widely) yea, that was Joe's reaction too

Miley: you're not pregnant, are you?

Demi: nah, I'm not

Miley: you took three tests? (I laughed)

Demi: one it's enough (she shrugged)

Miley: if you say so (I nodded)

Demi: anyways, we're having a very good time so...I like the type of relationship we have

Miley: and that's...(I smiled)

Demi: fuckers ans best friends

Miley: that's great. I'm dating Nick. I know I told you some time ago that I wanted to be free...but he's really-

Demi: your first love

Miley: yea, and an amazing man...so we're seeing how things go and we like it like this

Demi: wedding bells? (She laughed)

Miley: who knows? I'm opened to it

Demi: really? (I asked surprised and she nodded)

Miley: we both were through bad marriges so yea, why not? (I nodded)

Demi: okay, that's okay (she handled me two plates and grab another pair before making our way back to the dinning table)

Nick: you're back

Miley: yes baby (she sat next to Nick and I sat next to Joe after giving him his plate)

Joe: thanks freckles

The lunch went pretty good, we had fun laughing while remembering our past and told each other what we were doing now, what we'll do soon and stuff everyone talks at lunch with friends. Of course, I laughed through the whole lunch cause they all are very funny for me. Mostly Joe.

After eating, Joe and Nick washed the dishes in Nick's house and Miley and I cleaned the table together.

Miley: you can't deny it anymore

Demi: mh? (I asked glancing at her)

Miley: you and Joe, I'm sure you're dating Demi

Demi: what? We're not

Miley: I see the way you look at each other

Demi: we're best friends, that's the way we look at each other like (she shook her head)

Miley: I've seen you look at him this way back in 2010, and it was the time when you were all head over heels for him

Demi: (I sighed rolling my eyes) I'm not in love with him, we just fuck and are best friends...and stop saying those things. I've always looked at him the same exact way

Miley: cause you always felt something for him

Demi: no, cause we've always been friends

Miley: fine, you win (I nodded)

Demi: thanks

The boys entered to the room again and Nick hugged Miley from behind.

Nick: so guys, we're gonna watch movies...wanna join us? Since it's raining-

Joe: no, thanks. We already have plans

Demi: exactly (I said following his game)

Miley: okay, you can come with us whenever (we nodded)

Joe: we pass today (Joe glanced at me) let's go? (I nodded) and he wrapped one arm around my shoulders as we walked to his part of the house) I'm glad we're back here (he said after locking the door)

Demi: me too. What are we gonna do now?

Joe: fancy taking a nap?

Demi: a nap? Really? That's sad! (He laughed)

Joe: fine, what do you wanna do?

Demi: why don't we watch movies like them?

Joe: kay...I have some chocolate for us

Demi: woohoo (I said and cheered)

Joe: go to the couch, I'll bring a cover and the chocolate

Demi: okay

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now