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JOE P.O.V.: Nick and I went to a pizzeria out in L.A. after the interview finished. We sat in front of each other and he raised his eyebrows at me.

Nick: what happened? You look down

Joe: I am...a bit (he frowned)

Nick: I thought things were goos with Demi (I smiled slightly and nodded)

Joe: of course things are good with her. She's a sweetheart but...I don't know. Ever since we got the news about out baby, things has really gotten a little hard for both of us. I know she's struggling and don't want to say it loud and I'm too (he nodded)

Nick: I mean that's understandable. No one expect their first child to have a high-risk pregnancy. Maybe you both should talk about it.

Joe: I would love to but...I don't know. That's not the only problem we have tho

Nick: what else?

Joe: I've seen fans and some of her friends saying things that are actually truth. I broke Demi once, I shouldn't be with her again...like...what if I break her heart again? I don't wanna cause her pain

Nick: Joe, you can't let people's opinions get to your head. That's not healthy.

Joe: Nick...I hate to have this feeling but- I'd hate to see her alone for my cause. I'm not worth the loneliness

Nick: look Joe, when you love someone you're willing to fight for your love to last. You aren't kids anymore. You're gonna have a baby and whether you're gonna stay on their life or not, you need to tell her as soon as possible. Do you still love Demi? (I sighed and closed my eyes)

Joe: of course, I do. I just don't want her to feel pain for me...she deserves better than being all alone

Nick: she's not alone if she has you. Demi loves you and all she cares about is you and your baby. Don't let her go just because things are rocky right now. Couples always go through a rocky phase every once in a while. What you have to do is fight to get through it. That's what you do when you love someone. I know you love Demi and she loves you. I think right now is being a bit of a shitty moment for you with all the hate and the pregnancy but...you need to keep fighting for her. Like...tell me she doesn't bright your day up whenever you see her smile? (I nodded smiling slightly and felt a lump in my throat)

Joe: I don't want her to realize one day that I wasn't worth all the "losing friends and fans" thing (I felt my voice shaking and looked to my food instantly)

Nick: bro, just talk with her about all this. Everything you have in your mind...she'll understand you. She always does. And make her open to you as well. You need to be more united than ever right now. Communication is the key for a healthy relationship

Joe: and love? (I asked as I felt my eyes getting teary and he nodded with a chuckle)

Nick: yes, love too

Joe: thank you. I'll talk with her about it. I don't know what I'd do without you

Nick: probably nothing cause I'm always here to save your ass (we laughed and I nodded)

Joe: would you and Miley be down for a dinner together tomorrow? I think Demi needs to see friends and spend happy moments during this hell of a time

Nick: of course bro. We're always down for that

Joe: awesome. Thanks (he smiled to me and we continued having lunch together)

After lunch I went to pick Demi up from her house and just when she entered my car, I gave her a red rose.

Demi: what's going on? (She asked with a smile as she grabbed the flower)

Joe: nothing, I love you. That's all. (She smiled big and pecked my lips with one hand on my cheek before I started to drive to mine) babe?

Demi: yes?

Joe: do you think we can talk once we're in my house

Demi: umm...did anything happen? (I shook my head and shrugged)

Joe: nope, I just wanna talk about some topics with you...but everything's okay (I assured her with a slight smile and kissed the back of her hand)

Demi: sure

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now