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DEMI P.O.V.: I sighed as I heard my phone ringing in the living room. Dallas. I grabbed it and took the call.

Demi: hello Dal

Dallas: Dem, hi, how are you?

Demi: I'm good, what about you?

Dallas: I'm pretty good too

Demi: what's up? (I asked her because she doesn't call me often, we use to text each other)

Dallas: you know you can tell me anything, and we're friends too...as well as sisters

Demi: I don't get it, what happened? (She chuckled)

Dallas: I saw a note of you and Joe Jonas in an ice cream shop and then...mom accidentally spilled that you spent a night at his house...you wanna tell me something? (I sighed and shook my head closing my eyes)

Demi: the fact that I spent a night at his house it says totally nothing Dallas and you know it. Joe and I are friends again, we are spending a lot of time together and we both have time only at night, that's why we hang out at night...there's not other thing going on

Dallas: are you sure? Cause I won't tell anyone nor criticize you if you're giving your relationship another shot

Demi: another shot? Our relationship? We dated more than 10 years ago, you must be kidding me sis

Dallas: and? Maybe it's meant to be (I chuckled)

Demi: no, don't worry. We're okay as friends, that's enough

Dallas: well...if something changes, you know where to find me

Demi: I do

Dallas: what about Nick? Have you seen him?

Demi: yea, I have (I said shrugging) we are okay I think...not as before obviously but we're cool with each other

Dallas: I heard they're both divorced

Demi: they are, Nick has another girl so (she laughed)

Dallas: well, if you hurry up, you can get Joe (I rolled my eyes)

Demi: let's stop talking about this please

Dallas: okay, whatever

We continued talking about random things and then, at night, someone rang my doorbell. I opened and found Matthew and Sirah with a pizza and dessert.

Demi: guys, what a surprise!

Matthew: yea, we were missing you so here we are

Demi: come in (we walked to the living room and Sirah gave me a bag with the dessert)

Sirah: umm, we brought ice cream, I hope you don't mind

Demi: what? Why would I mind? (I asked frowning and they sent me a "really?" look so I shrugged)

Matthew: maybe you don't wanna eat ice cream twice a day

Demi: oh alright, I get why you're here now (I said putting the dessert in the freezer)

Sirah: care to explain?

Demi: it's a long story

Matthew: we have all night (we walked to my room and sat on my bed to start eating our pizza)

Demi: I don't even know what you wanna know about it

Sirah: you can start telling us why you didn't want us to know about you seeing him every weekend

Demi: who said I'm seeing him every weekend? (They glared at me and I sighed) okay, alright...I'm seeing him every weekend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, nobody knew anyways

Matthew: what's going on between you two?

Demi: we're benefiting

Sirah: how's it going?

Demi: amazing of course, and actually, we're working in our friendship too (they nodded)

Matthew: are you sure this is gonna go well?

Demi: we've done it in 2016 and you know it went well

Sirah: but now is different, you both are older

Demi: and? We're not gonna fall for each other or anything like it guys, you can chill (Sirah shrugged)

Sirah: okay, if you say so

Demi: I do

Matthew: I just like seeing you happy and you do so for me, it's okay whatever you wanna do (I nodded and hugged them)

Demi: now that you know I'll be able to tell you all the sex details (we laughed)

Matthew: I don't mind tho (we laughed again and I felt blessed to have such amazing friends)

They left after some hours and I used my instastorys to clarify the rumors about Joe and I.

"Girl and boy that are strictly just friends can't hang out without everyone instantly making rumors about them dating. It's sick how we can't even go out with friends to stop these kind of rumors from happening"

"Joe and I are giving our relationship another shot? False.
Joe and I are hanging out again as friends? True.
Stop spreading fake news when you know no shit @paps."

I saw Joe posted a story with a tweet he wrote himself about us.

"Demi and I are just friends and we like to hang out as y'all do with your closest friends. Stop the rumors, the hate and the drama. Thank you"

Just Some Fun ~ JemiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang