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JOE P.O.V.: watching Demi cry was something I always hated and I always will...cause I think any girl should cry, let alone a woman as special and kind as Demi.

I hugged her tighter as I heard her sobs against the skin of my neck and caressed her head softly.

Joe: hey, don't cry...please (I whispered to her in her ear and she looked up at me before drying her tears)

Demi: I'm so sorry for crying like this. You have nothing to do with my drama and I'm here putting all my problems on you (I shook my head and grabbed her hand)

Joe: I never said it bothers me. You're one of my best friends Demi, and I'm always gonna be here for you if you need a hug, a talk or someone to sit in silence with

Demi: I just- you're amazing (I led her to the sofa and we sat there together)

Joe: wanna tell me what happened?

Demi: this hasn't been my best day. The director of the serie I was shooting a cameo for told me to "change my clothes to others to look thinner"

Joe: he did what? (I asked kind of shocked that there was still people as horrible as that in the world)

Demi: he did that and then, I was driving home and I almost trashed my car near your house...that's why I drove there. And you weren't there and I completely lost it cause everything is going so bad today (she said and sobbed in her hands while I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close to my body)

Joe: I get it. We all have our bad days, and it's okay to cry

Demi: but I'm not supposed to let these things go to my head, nor look for someone's help as I'm doing

Joe: hey...it's totally okay to reach for a friend on days like these, this doesn't mean anything

Demi: but the last time I reached for someone, they didn't help and I ended up in a hospital bed nearly dead (I sighed and kissed her forehead as she rested her head on my shoulder and caressed her hand slowly)

Joe: this doesn't mean you're gonna relapse. I'm gonna help you get through this rough day and you'll be okay tomorrow. And I'm not gonna turn my back at you if you need help...ever (she smiled slightly at me and I dried her tears)

Demi: thank you for being here for me...I'll never understand why you're so kind with me

Joe: the answer it's easy, you've always been as kind with me, even when I didn't deserve it (she chowed down on her lip and I realized she was still thinking about the things that horrible man told her) you're not (I said and she looked at me)

Demi: what?

Joe: you're thinking of that man and what he said. You're not fat or anything close to it. And even if you were, it has nothing wrong, has it? (She shook her head)

Demi: I just don't know what else to do to accept myself the way I am when people says things like this to me

Joe: there's always gonna be people criticizing you, but you can win that war in your head...you've done it before, you're stronger than those thoughts

Demi: maybe I'm not anymore (I caressed her head and smiled slightly)

Joe: you are and you're also really beautiful so stop thinking you're not, can you do that for yourself? (She bit her lip and nodded)

Demi: I think I can

Joe: great then (she glanced to my guitar and then back to me)

Demi: you were writing?

Joe: mmm kinda I guess

Demi: something new you want to show me? (I shrugged)

Joe: not yet, I haven't even made a good chorus so not yet (she chuckled)

Demi: but you will some day?

Joe: of course, you have taste (she smiled and stood up) where are you going?

Demi: home

Joe: sure? You can stay here with me until you feel better

Demi: no I-I feel better already...you helped me a lot (I stood up too and titled my head staring at her eyes)

Joe: never hesitate on reaching out for me if you need someone. I'm here, and you know it

Demi: I do (she said smiling slightly and we walked to the door of the room) umm Joe

Joe: yea?

Demi: actually I forgot something

Joe: what?

Demi: my car is at yours (she said and laughed making me chuckle)

Joe: you're stuck with me then

Demi: I guess so

Joe: wanna go for a coffee?

Demi: maybe

Joe: an ice cream maybe? (She smiled at me and nodded)

Demi: and ice cream sounds good to me

Joe: let's go then (I grabbed my car keys and we walked to the parking lot to get into my car)

Demi: what about Nick? Aren't you supposed to work together?

Joe: well, you see...he arrived here later than me cause he was with his new girl hanging out so (I shrugged)

Demi: new girl?

Joe: he plays the mysterious boy with me but I'm sure soon we'll know who she is

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now