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DEMI P.O.V.: I was nearly sleeping when the doorbell rang waking me up. I groaned standing up. It was really late and I've been nauseous the last three hours so I haven't been able to sleep, and just when I slept 20 minutes, someone rang the stupid doorbell.

I walked to the door slowly as I heard non-stopping knocks on the door. After sighing loudly, I opened carefully. I was shocked to see Joe standing at my front door after 3 a.m.

Of course, after he talked and I let him in, it made sense. He was drunk, and I was at him for being drunk and for disturbing my very bad sleep. I sighed when he laughed after stumbling and glared at him.

Joe: okay, it's not funny then (he said smiling and I locked the door)

Demi: what are you doing here at this time Joseph? I was trying to get a decent night of sleep

Joe: I'm sorry freckles but I- ummm...I guess I needed to see you (he said with a shrug as he sat on the couch)

Demi: why? I was pretty clear when I said that we needed to take time away from each other, wasn't I? (He nodded) then, if you came here looking for sex, you can leave, I won't give it to you

Joe: and friendship neither? (I sighed again)

Demi: friendship? At 3 a.m.? Couldn't wait til tomorrow? (He sighed and nodded)

Joe: okay, you got me...I didn't come here for friendship nor sex

Demi: then? What happened? (He smiled and stood up)

Joe: can I use your bathroom before talking? (I raised my eyebrows)

Demi: sure, go ahead (I expected him to go to the bathroom downstairs but he went upstairs surely making me a little angry)

I entered to my upstairs bathroom when I noticed he wasn't peeing, he was throwing up on the toilet with his body on the floor. I bent down beside him and caressed his back.

Joe: I'm sorry Dems, you must be hating me (he said resting his head on his arm and I shook my head caressing the back of his neck)

Demi: no, don't worry, we've all been through this

Joe: I'm a mess (he said sighing)

Demi: yes, you are...it's okay. I can handle it (he smiled slightly and glanced at me) do you want some time alone?

Joe: do you have a toothbrush for me? (I nodded)

Demi: in that wardrobe

Joe: thanks (I smiled slightly at him)

Demi: I'll be in my room (he nodded and closed the bathroom door)

I went to my room and sat there waiting for Joe. He joined me a couple minutes later and sat beside me on the bed glancing at his hand on the bed.

Demi: what happened Joe? You've never came to my house drunk at night

Joe: I'm sorry if I'm bothering but I couldn't do this sober (I frowned)

Demi: do what?

Joe: I miss you, and I'm not capable of not thinking of you all the time...I've never been this happy with somebody, like I'm with you

Demi: w-what do you mean with th-this? (He shrugged with one shoulder still not looking at me and I felt my heartbeats racing)

Joe: I think I love you

Just Some Fun ~ JemiOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara