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JOE P.O.V.: it was late night, after 3 in the morning when my phone rang. I looked at it. Nick. I groaned and took the call.

Joe: Nick, don't you know is late night here in Australia? You woke me up

Nick: umm sorry first of all, but I know you're dating Demi and I think you'd like to know that she's in the hospital (I sat abruptly in bed and felt my heart racing)

Joe: what? What are you talking about? What happened to her? (I said standing up to get dressed)

Nick: we still don't know, I'm with mom and dad and we brought her to the hospital but they're still checking on her...we have no news yet (I sighed as I felt tears in my eyes)

Joe: Nick, I'm on my way

Nick: what? Joe, you're in Australia, you're gonna take too long

Joe: I don't fucking care, just tell her I'll be there soon and also...don't let anyone enter to her room apart from her family and you...no one else

Nick: mom wants to see her

Joe: well, new flash...not now (I said rushing out of the hotel room with my suitcase) I'll be there as soon as I can, Nick...please don't leave her alone 

Nick: I won't. See you soon

Joe: bye (I said as I hopped into a cab) to the airport

After arriving to the airport, I took the first flight back to L.A. even tho I knew I had 15 hours ahead until arriving to the town.

DEMI P.O.V.: I woke up with the blinding sunlight hitting my eyes and opened them slowly causing my head to ache.

Demi: shit (I whispered as I tried to remember why was I in a hospital room)

Almost in a reflex, I lowered my hand to my tummy and glanced at it with worry.

Did I lose my baby? I asked to myself as tears started to roll down my cheeks. There was nobody in the room with me, so I allowed myself to cry a while even if I wasn't sure yet of my baby's condition. I looked beside me and saw the door opening slowly. Nick entered the room and smiled slightly when he saw me.

Nick: hey, how are you? (He said as he approached me)

Demi: I don't know...my whole body hurts (he nodded and sat beside me on a chair)

Nick: you're whole family is outside and my parents too but they all thought you'd be sleeping still (I nodded) you want them to enter? Cause I can always convince the kind nurse you have to tell them you need to rest today so you don't have to answer any questions (I sighed)

Demi: I'd rather not see anyone today (I said with a sore throat and he nodded)

Nick: okay, I'll do that then

Demi: Nick...do you...do you know? (He smiled slightly and nodded)

Nick: I mean, I suspected it when Joe started talking about parenthood but I wasn't sure until I saw your bleeding (I chowed down on my lip)

Demi: did you tell Joe?

Nick: yes, he's flying back home right now (I sighed shaking my head)

Demi: they all know, don't they?

Nick: the doctor said it to all of us, I could do nothing...sorry

Demi: no, it's okay, I guess...but- (he looked at me and shook his head as he grabbed my hand)

Nick: they haven't said anything about the baby yet cause you were the main priority so...they are supposed to be checking on the baby after you're fully fine again (I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and nodded)

Demi: I'm so afraid (he moved and hugged me tightly as I allowed myself to cry on my former best friend, like I haven't done in years)

Nick: don't worry about it now. I know that's not even possible but...you need to get well so they can check on the baby, kay? (I nodded and dried my tears)

Demi: what time is it?

Nick: 6 in the afternoon, you've been sleeping for a while

Demi: I see

Nick: okay so, I'm gonna talk with your nurse, fake being asleep if someone enters (I nodded)

Demi: thank you

Nick: you're welcome, and I hope you don't mind but I obviously gotta stay with you tonight

Demi: I don't mind at all (he smiled slightly and kissed my hand before heading out of the room)

I looked down to my tummy again and closed my eyes with force as tears starting to fall out of my eyes again.

Demi: please tell me I didn't lose it (I whispered glancing to the ceiling)

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now