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DEMI P.O.V.: the days passed and Joe left to Australia even tho, he kept saying "I don't wanna leave you alone" every three seconds. I smiled when he left my house that day and promised him everything would be fine, cause I expected it to be.

He called me on Monday while I was having dinner alone at home. I smiled when his face appeared on the screen and placed my phone in front of me before waving.

Demi: hey babe

Joe: hey freckles, how's everything going?

Demi: perfectly, I'm actually about to start eating dinner

Joe: oh, let me see what you're having for dinner (I showed him my food and he smiled) well done, I don't want you to eat badly...so nice

Demi: I know and I'm taking good care of myself

Joe: awesome (I smiled)

Demi: how's everything going on there?

Joe: pretty nice, I shot yesterday and today for the show and I think I'll do some press here tomorrow before heading back home

Demi: your tomorrow or mine? (He laughed making me smile)

Joe: yours

Demi: oh, that's good cause I miss you already

Joe: me too. But I'll see you soon, so that makes me feel a bit better

Demi: yes

Joe: anyways love, I'll let you have dinner in peace

Demi: kay sunshine, I love you

Joe: I love you too, be safe

Demi: bye (I said and blew him a kiss before hanging up on him)

I had dinner watching a movie, cleaned everything and went upstairs to sleep. I woke up the next morning before I was supposed to. It was 6 a.m. and my back was aching like is someone was stabbing me. I groaned and stood up before heading to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed and headed to the studio cause I had some things to discuss about my music.

I talked with my producers and Scooter about my whole year and the things I wanted to do and had to think properly when he told me.

Scooter: it's time for you to go on tour, probably worldwide (I raised my eyebrows a little thinking how to tell him I didn't know if I'd be able without saying the reason)

Demi: well I think, we could discuss that later on...I mean, I would love to but...there are some things I need to think and fix before doing it

Scooter: okay. We don't have so much time so remember that and don't take too long please

Demi: yea, sure

What was I supposed to tell him?

He left me alone and I finished some business I had unfinished before heading to the grocery cause I had some things to buy for my house. I was getting myself some cereal boxes when someone called me.

Denise: Demi! Hello sweetheart

Demi: Denise, hi (she was apparently alone)

Denise: how are you?

Demi: I'm fine, and you?

Denise: me too, doing the grocery with Nick since he wanted to know what he should buy to live with Miley at his house

Demi: oh, he's here too?

Denise: yes, he's here with me but I don't know the exact place at the moment...and Paul's also here with him (I nodded)

Demi: that's nice

Denise: anyways, I'm done so I should go meet the boys

Demi: sure, go ahead (she smiled and continued walking through another hall)

After I finished buying, I went back to my car and found out that Nick was actually parking beside me.

Nick: hey you (he hugged me shortly)

Demi: hey, what's up?

Nick: nothing much, just trying to get ready for marriage again (I smiled)

Demi: yea, your mom told me so

Nick: what about you? (I was about to speak when my back starting hurting again making me groan and grabbed my tummy unconsciously) Dem? Are you okay?

Demi: I- (I started to feel a wetness between my legs and could just glance briefly at it as I saw my jeans becoming bloody)

And then...everything was black.

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now