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DEMI P.O.V.: once we arrived to the park, everyone started to look at us and of course, papz found us in a matter of minutes so we started to hear a bunch of "clicks" everywhere around us but, thankfully, not so soon.

Joe: they're getting pics from us everywhere

Demi: yea, does it show? (I was happy that he understood me. His eyes instantly went to my belly and he smiled shaking his head)

Joe: nope, it doesn't, don't worry

Demi: good (we walked through it, took some pics with fans and headed to a chill restaurant after it where we were welcomed by more papz that were closer to us this time)

Joe: they're gonna fucking suffocate us while leaving this place

Demi: I know and it sucks

Joe: it really does. Anyways, what do you wanna eat?

Demi: maybe a burguer, I think I'm craving some

Joe: oh, I'll may eat one too, you just want me to eat that too

Demi: blame it on jelly bean (I said and we laughed)

Joe: that's a cute one, I think I'll stick to it until we know the sex (I nodded)

After eating lunch, we headed outside but couldn't made it to Joe's car before around 10 paparazzies started to walk around us and trying to have us answering to their questions. Obviously, the most frequent was "are you guys dating?" And "how went the date?".

Joe: okay, excuse us guys, we must leave (he opened the door for me to enter the car first and then went to his side of the car)

As he did so, I heard the last question one of those mans made. "Are you going home together tonight?"

Joe: well, wouldn't you all like to know our entire schedule? (I heard him asking and chuckled before she entered to the car)

Demi: that was cool (I said smiling to him and he laughed)

Joe: I did it for them to stop bothering you

Demi: thanks babe (I whispered as the car started to move out of the street)

We put the radio on and didn't talk much until we got back to his house. I smiled as we entered and he glanced at me after locking the door.

Demi: I think you need some dogs running around here

Joe: well, you see...after Sophie took our three dogs away with her, I decided not to have more just in case someone took it away from me again. To be honest, that's like, the only thing that hurt me from the divorce (I laughed and nodded)

Demi: you'll have to get used to Batman and Cinderella if you wanna live with me someday

Joe: of course, but they're also the cutest so I have no problem with it

He kissed my lips for some seconds before checking at the time on his watch.

Demi: what?

Joe: wanna take a short nap with me? (He asked wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling ny nose softly)

Demi: I always wanna take naps (I said cupping his face with my hands before pecking his soft lips)

Joe: let's go upstairs?

Demi: yes baby

After we got under the covers and cuddled for some minutes. I fell asleep wishing for us to be forever. He was my whole world...

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now