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DEMI P.O.V.: I woke up for the third time at 6:34 a.m. and Joe was still hugging me tightly. I looked up at him. He looked better and had no fever anymore. I tried to move to another side but he tightened his grip around me on his sleep. It made me smile and I realized I had to sleep that way anyways cause he wasn't letting me go anytime soon.

The next time I opened my eyes it was 9:20 a.m. of Sunday. I glanced up and saw Joe staring at the ceiling and with both his arms around me.

Demi: hey, morning (I said to him and he smiled slightly at me)

Joe: morning

Demi: you're okay?

Joe: yea, had a pretty weird dream...kind of a nightmare but I'm fine

Demi: is that why you haven't let me go through the night?

Joe: oh, you wanted to?

Demi: not for me I mean...just to let you breathe

Joe: don't worry then, I told you I'd be fine if you stayed there with me...and now I'm fine (I nodded smiling and rested my body on my elbows to watch him better as he rested his head on both his hands behind his neck)

Demi: I really hope you get better or we won't be able to have fun

Joe: what do you mean by having fun?

Demi: I mean, I can't even kiss you anytime soon if you're this sick

Joe: I'll get better. I'm sure

Demi: Joe, I won't be able to meet with you next week

Joe: (his smile faded) why not? (He asked with a frown)

Demi: I gotta travel to Paris to make a couple interviews and sing in some radios

Joe: oh...well- (he looked to th ceiling and then back to me)

Demi: what happened?

Joe: nothing, I hope everything goes right in Paris and you don't miss me that much

Demi: my best friend or my weekly fuck? (We laughed and he shrugged)

Joe: I mean, you'd probably miss your weekly fuck cause it's gonna be a week since the last one and now we're really used to our friday nights

Demi: I think I can survive without you

Joe: you're not gonna call someone else, are you? (I chuckled and titled my head staring at him)

Demi: no I won't, we said exclusivity. And I'll respect it

Joe: how will you not miss me then?

Demi: there's not always gotta be a man to satisfy me (his eyes opened wide and he opened his mouth faking being shocked)

Joe: you mean you please yourself? Oh lord jesus, come save us from this perverted teenager (he said dramatically and I laughed out loud hitting his chest)

Demi: I hate you so much...you do that yourself too so (I said shrugging)

Joe: you think I do? (He asked raising his eyebrows)

Demi: for god sakes Joe, we've been best friends for much more than 10 years, we dated once and benefited once before now...and you expect me to believe when you say you don't do that? I know you do! (We laughed and he nodded)

Joe: yea, I think you may know me way too much to lie to you

Demi: I do (he grabbed one of my hands and started playing with it)

Joe: I'm gonna miss you anyways next weekend

Demi: I know (he smiled at me and my phone rang making me glance at it) oh shit (I said sitting up)

Joe: what happened?

Demi: I forgot I was supposed to meet with my family today, it's sunday

Joe: oh...go ahead before it's late (he stood up from bed and we both headed to the bathroom to wash our tooth)

We did that at the same time and ran downstairs so I could leave.

Joe: you have your car?

Demi: yes, don't worry (I hugged him and kissed his cheek) I'll see you in some days...call me if you need your best friend

Joe: okay, be safe here and in Paris please...love ya

Demi: me too. Bye (he opened the door for me)

Joe: bye bye (I waved at him and got into my car to head to my mom's house)

Just Some Fun ~ JemiWhere stories live. Discover now