Chapter 33: Ace's Tale ~Kii's heart and me in her life~

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Looking at Kii who is watching Aoi's back with a sad expression, making me feel useless. Even when I tried my best to make her happy, there will always be something or someone that makes her sad. I knew it was unavoidable, but I still wish that all sadness is gone from Kii's life.

I love this girl... And I almost lost her.

I feel myself trembling at the remembrance. Trembling with what? I'm not sure. Maybe fury for such things to happen? Fear for what was almost happened? I don't know. Right now, I feel like I want to keep her in my arms forever. I want to make sure that she is here with me. 

I don't want my future with her only exist in an illusion. Like his future was. He is not me, but if it wasn't for him, I won't be here now. I still thankful. His love for her makes my love for her possible.

Speaking of him...

Gah! I forgot to punch him! For hurting Kii (not my Kii but still Kii), for doing that thing to the Kii that was in the prison, for being a coward, for not protecting her. I really, really, really wanted to punch him. I got a chance yet I just let it go like that? Oh, the regret! Dammit!

"Ace-kun? Are you alright?" Kii asked when she saw me grabbing my own head and agonizing in silent for my lost chance in punching Arzen.

"I'm okay, Kii. Sorry for making you worry" I smiled.

"You sure? You seem in pain a few moments ago" Kii said worriedly while peering into my eyes. Her hand checking my temple and my cheeks.

"I'm fine," I said firmly before I pulling her into my arms.

Kii's body moulding into me perfectly. I don't want to let her go. I want to hold her forever. I hope the time will stop moving and leave me and Kii alone. I hope in every life I am born (if I had a chance to be reincarnated again) Kii will be there too. I hope I will fall in love with Kii in every life I have. I hope there was a Kii in my previous life, in Portgas D Ace's life. 

"Ahem...!" When I was lost in my own world about "what ifs" and "Kii", my family was waiting for me to notice them, it seems. And because I didn't notice them for quite long, my brother decided to remind me that they were still around.

I pout at him, not letting Kii go.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Don't look at me like that! You know we need to talk!" Nii-sama said curtly before he turned his sight away from me.

"Why are you turning away from me? Did I make you angry? Do you hate me, Nii-sama?" I asked worriedly. 

What if while I was sleeping I made some mistakes? What if Nii-sama thinks I was weak and he doesn't need a little brother like me? What if my actions (I don't know what it was, but it must be something) made Nii-sama hates me?

"What? Why would I...? Arzen, you idiot! Why would I hate you? You're an annoying little brother, indeed. You're a handful little brother. Crazy and make me worry about you for eternity, but you're my little brother. I wouldn't trade you with anything. Sometimes, I wonder what is happening inside that head of yours. You always seem to find the most bizarre conclusion!" Nii-sama shakes his head in exasperation. 

"You were turning away from me!" I accused.

"I don't want to see that exact expression on your face!" Nii-sama sighs.

"See! You hate me!" I said in despair.

"No, I don't" Nii-sama replied.

"Yes, you do!"

"I don't"

"I'm pretty sure you do!"

"I am definitely sure that I don't"

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