Chapter 9 : Ace's Tale ~We're all here~

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It is my third year in Academy. This year is special because Kii is also going to attend. I am waiting for her outside her house. I want to go with her in her first day of School. Luckily Aoi is already going with (read: forcefully taken by) his brother and sister. Even after these years, Aoi still hates me. I've stopped wondering why he does. It doesn't matter he has believed in me or not. I will just show him that I really love Kii and will do my best to make her happy. Kii is my everything after all. No Kii means no me.

When I was reborn into this world, I thought I'll just live my life alone. I'll train to be the strongest and left this kingdom as soon as I can. I never plan to get to know my current family, nor getting attached to anyone. But, look at what I've been doing up to now. I gain another brother and a father, a father, can you believe that? And I also slowly learn to know the feeling of being loved by a mother. Isn't it great? I still miss my family from my past life but now I also have accepted the family that I have now. Live is good. I'm happy. And I have all this because I fall in love with Kii.

Honestly, if it's not for her, I won't be here anymore. Someone like me won't have a patient staying in school for 3 years. It was boring as hell. Come to think about it, I think hell will be more exciting than the Academy. They teach what we already know. It's the same as the classes I took in the Palace. Why the hell we actually need to attend Academy? Oh, pardon me, to look for future underling of course. What? I'm not being rude. It's true! It is basically just placed for nobles brats to meet each other and compete to be a future king underling or if you're female, it's a place for you to show off your worth and beauty to find a powerful husband. Which means it is a wasted time for me, as I won't need underling nor I need to look for a future wife. I already have one, mind you. I actually feel reluctant to let Kii attend as well. She doesn't need to find future husbands either. She has me. Huff! Besides I don't want anyone to see how cute, adorable, beautiful, nice, perfect... Okay, I'll stop now. And no. Before you said it. I'm not pouting. Men don't pout. Geez, who I even talking to?

I was about to start daydreaming again when I noticed that Kii is walking towards me with her parents.

"we are sorry to keep you waiting, his highness," they say.

"it's no problem. I was the one that volunteers to be Kii's escort, after all. Waiting is a part of it" I said charmingly.

It seems Kii's relationship with her family is getting better as well. In the past, they won't even bother to give Kii a goodbye hugs and kisses in the temple. I'm glad. Kii's smile is the cutest when she smiles of shyness mixed with happiness.

I soon say my goodbye as well. Following with the promise to escort Kii to the Academy safely.

The road from Kii's house and Academy is not too far but we do need to pass by a mountain and two forests. I held her hand as I help her on the carriage and I might be just not want to let it go again. Kii doesn't look like she minds so it's okay I think. Lexy is in the front so no one gives me a raised eyebrow either. Alone with Kii in a peaceful atmosphere. My life is so perfect. I sigh.

Kii looks at me as I sigh. Eyes full of worry.

"I'm okay. Just happy" I said as I pull her closer for a kiss. Her lips still as soft as the first time I kissed her. God, I've just realized that I missed her so much. When was the last time I kiss Kii? Or hug Kii? It's been too long.

"it's not that long though. It was a few months ago on my birthday. Aoi-nii was super mad at you" Kii giggles in remembrance. Ah, I said it out loud.

"Yeah, he won't let me get too close to you after that" I answer.

We look at each other they can't help but giggles (which I won't ever admit even if you hold a knife to my throat). It was exciting to try to get together behind Aoi's back. I suspect Aoi was noticing after a few tries but decided to pretend he didn't. As much as he hates me, his love for Kii is always winning after all. And if Kii is happy spending time with me, he will let it easily, albeit grudgingly. Since when did I become an Aoi expert again?

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