Chapter 15: Ace's Tale ~It's Love~

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Aoi in fact doesn't kill me. I still wary though. He might be looking for an opening. He might strike when I let my guard down and not ready for him. I won't get fooled. I'm a second commanders of Whitebeard's pirate, I don't get fooled easily. It's already been a week but he hasn't do anything yet. I'm concerned. I hope his silence means that Kii is able to convince him and not him plotting to kill me.

"Honestly, Aoi-nii isn't plotting to kill you Ace-kun"

Kii said one night when I stayed in her room. I was telling her about past me childhood. She rolled her eyes at me when I keep looking at the door, expecting Aoi to burst through it. 

"Even Aoi-nii wouldn't want to witness his sister in an indecent position, Ace-kun. Especially when he knew her fiance will be there" she said then.

After that we've been spending night together more often. Sometime we just talk all night. Sometime we will just cuddle or play game together. Anything we do is always fun. Is this what love is?

Kii is bolder now. When we are alone she will sometime stare at me with a smile. It makes me flustered at first. How can I not? The woman I love is looking at me with a cute smile. My dark side always telling me that she was seducing me when she did that. She tells me that she loves me more often too. But sometime she will apologize without reason. For me it is without reason but for her it's because sometime she thinks about past me when she is looking at me, she said. She seems bothered so much about it, maybe I should tell her that we were the same person? That boy and me. Come to think about it, it maybe also the reason why Aoi and even Midori sometime looking at me pitifully. She must have told them that she likes me, Er, the me before.

Midori confessed to her that she was bullying the pink thing because she was jealous that Akai is in love with that pink thing. We found her crying under one of the classroom windows one day, she look so devastated and brokenhearted. Inside the room was Akai and pink thing. They were kissing. Even though Midori was never thinking of Kii as a sister, for Kii Midori is always her beautiful Nee-sama. Kii didn't say anything, she just sat herself beside Midori and stay. I had no choice but stand there waiting with them. It was disgusting. I thought that pink thing is already have a fiance. Noah from the Zoland house if I was right. The man introduce her to Nii-Sama and I at one occasion. He was a candidates for our aides that's why he had privilege to introduce someone to us. Yet, she did that with Akai? I knew she had no shame but Akai comes from a distinguished family. We nobles know our manners yet they fucked  in a fucking empty classroom? I was a pirate but I don't think I was that disgusting. She already had a man for one. And anyone might overheard them (like us) if they did it in a place like this. If it was someone else and not us, they would have been in bad situation. Their families would have lost face. It feels like eternity until they left. Midori was covering her mouth tightly, tears flowing on her cheeks. Her dignified appearance ruffles. Kii is sitting beside her, hands covering her ears, eyes closed as tightly. I leaned my body to the wall. No need to describe my expression, I knew I have a disgusting expression on me. We stayed like that for hours until Midori threw herself at Kii and bawled. In the end Midori spent that night curled in Kii's bed after she confessed everything. Her love for Akai that drove her to bully that pink thing. How she was always scared that Kii would take her place in the family. How she love to show Kii that she was more loved by the family just to reassure herself that it was okay for her to stay, that they still love her even after they had a biological daughter. She just didn't want to be discarded, to be alone, she said. Kii didn't interupe her and didn't comfort her either. She just tighten her hug on Midori and said that "Nee-sama is Nee-sama and will always be Nee-sama". Midori broke down after that. She cried herself to sleep.

I can understand Midori's feeling. To be scared of being thrown out, to be alone. But doesn't mean I agree with her way to do things. I definitely can't forgive what she has caused Kii because of her own insecure. It's not Kii's fault to be born as the Wallace's daughter, as her little sister. Kii looked at her sadly. I don't like it when a sad expression appear in her face. It made my heart cracks. Kii lets Midori took her bed. She hugged me very tight as we curled on her sofa that night. 

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