Chapter 3 : Ace's Tale ~Things I never feel before~

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I have met a lot of beautiful women before. Some of them even used to not have much thing to wear or in Thatch's word 'beautiful, sexy, alluring kind of women". He used to tease me that I was a child that still need to grow up when I told him I don't get what is so alluring about them. I never feel attracted to woman before. There was Makino but to her was more like love to an older sister than a romantic one, she was after all the one woman that was taking care of us, always nice, gave us clothes and teach us things. She was pretty, for me she was even prettier than that pirate empress Hancock. Sabo always been teasing and saying that I had had a crush on her but he was wrong. Makino was the first lady who was nice to me (as the other one was Dadan)so it's no wonder that I thought of her as special but it was never romantic love or crush. So, to said that this feeling is foreign will be understandable. Never ever in my life or my next life I imagined that someday I will fall in love with anyone.

There was never a "type of girl or boy that I like" in my book as they never interest me before, so it was quite a surprise for me to have this feeling towards her. She was so small and young soooo young, much much much much younger than me. Heck, she was two years younger than me in this life which means that she was at least, hmm? I was twenty when I died added with my current age means that she was twenty seven my junior?. Yeah, too young. She is too young for me. But I want her. Was I always been a... Huh? What was it called again? Isn't a man that like little girls called lolicon? (no way!!).

Nah, of course no. I thought they were cute, like that Tama from Wano, but I don't feel like this. How do I explain it, my blood feel like it was rushing to my head. I felt hot like a mera mera no mi was burning me. My eyes following her movements and my sense of time stopped when I look into her eyes. Those blue-grey eyes are the most beautiful eyes I ever seen in the world. Soft pink lips, pale skin, silver hair with tint of blue at the tip. She is perfect. Well, she is seven so her body is still undeveloped but in few years I am sure she will be the most perfect being alive. Yeah, I know I'm biased. This is my first love so I'm allowed to be as biased as I can be. Her voice when she greets me is soft and alluring (yeah Thatch, I finally understand what that word meant). Beautiful. She is beautiful. So beautiful that I want everyone here know that she is mine.

I hold her gaze and told the people present that "I choose her. She is the one that I want as a fiancee. I choose her to be the one that will be allowed to stay at my side. " Standing up and bowing my head I said "Honorable Father, I will be really grateful if you allow me to have her as a fiancee, please".

We are currently in a ballroom. My king father is sitting on a chair a bit far at my right side. Along with his butler slash bodyguard slash adviser standing on his left. My stepmother the Lead Lady (not the queen yet because king father still refuse to make her Queen even after my queen mother passed away years ago) Lady Ashleen Fern Rhein sitting behind him with my Big Brother Arren Arch Fern Rhein by her side. Their eyes are wide. So are all the Nobel's that are presents.

"Are you sure my son? Don't you want to give the other ladies chance to introduce themselves to you first before you decide? It will be rude to them if you don't even give them chance, son" my father finally said.

"I understand. I was not dismiss them yet, father. I will still listen to their introduction. After all even if they are not be my fiancee, they will be my colleague in the future. Only for the fiancee candidate, I don't think I will want to have someone else". I answered.

I admit the ladies that both have and going to present themselves to me are all beautiful and fine women? girls?. I'm aware of it but in my eyes they are all children she is the only interesting one. The only one that somehow even if I aware she is a child yet still manage to captive me. There are something different that set her aside from the others. Something in her expressions caught me. Not to mention that I have already been fallen for her.

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